Transfer of care - the secondary/primary care interface on discharge Flashcards
what are the various discharge destination for patients
Usual place of residence
Temporary place of residence
Other NHS hospital
Non-NHS hospital
Residential accommodation where health care is provided
Foster care
list the types of discharge
- simple discharge
2. complex discharge
Define simple discharge
Patient discharged to own home with simple ongoing health needs which can be met without complex planning.
~80% of patients
Compatible with nurse-led discharge
Define complex discharge
Patient needs more specialist care after leaving hospital e.g.
Have ongoing health and social care needs
Need community care services
Discharged to a residential home or care home
Need intermediate care
~20% of patients
What is intermediate care
Range of needs led, transitional and integrated services delivered in partnership between primary and secondary care.
Aims to provide integrated services to:
promote faster recovery from illness,
prevent unnecessary acute hospital admissions,
support timely discharge from hospital,
maximise independent living.
Target older people at highest risk of entering institutional care following acute conditions such as
hip fracture
State the aim of intermediate care
Aims to provide integrated services to: promote faster recovery from illness, prevent unnecessary acute hospital admissions, support timely discharge from hospital, maximise independent living. Target older people at highest risk of entering institutional care following acute conditions such as pneumonia hip fracture stroke
List the types of intermediate care
- Reablement
- Home- based
- Bed-based
- Crisis- response
What is reablement
Support in own home to help person live independently.
Define home-based intermediate care
Community-based assessments and interventions to people in own home or care home.
Define bed-based intermediate care
Temporary stay in care home or community hospital for assessments and interventions.
Define crisis response intermediate care
Prompt assessment at home or on arrival at A&E, to avoid unnecessary hospital admission by providing short-term care at home or in a care home
What medicines-related problems occur on transfer of care within hospital?
Administration errors Omitted or delayed administration Medication not transferred Medication transferred, but form/route changed Route of administration not available e.g. NBM, no IV access New medicine Patient not on ward (in transit) Duplicate administration Incomplete administration record Failure to retrieve all MAR charts Wrong drug/dose/frequency/route of administration Wrong preparation, method or device
What medicines-related problems occur on transfer of care within hospital?
Prescribing / monitoring errors
Omitted medicine
Wrong medicine
Wrong dose/frequency/route
Transcribing errors
Failure to review treatment plans/follow up
Medication changes / discrepancies
Poor communication of treatment plans between teams
Incomplete or incorrect handover documentation
What medicines-related problems occur on discharge from hospital
Prescribing and administration errors.
Incomplete or incorrect discharge medicines prescribed/supplied.
New devices e.g. MDS
Non administration of medicines or incorrect / duplicate medicines.
Poor communication about medicines on discharge from hospital.
Medication changes
Timeliness/distribution of information about discharge medicines.
Lack of monitoring or follow-up on discharge.
What can pharmacists do during hospital discharge
Medicines reconciliation on admission.
Complete and accurate drug history is foundation on which discharge medication is based.
Re-using PODs / dispensing for discharge
Reduce risk of duplicate or discontinued medication being taken.
Patient self-administration of medicines.
Medication review.
Changes and additions to medications?