Vertebrate Biology Flashcards
Chapter 34
phylum chordata subphylums?
- urochordata: tunicates
- cephlachordata: lancelets
- vertebrata: agnathans, fish, sharks, tetrapods
most ancient and diverse of clade vartebrata?
class agnatha?
- no bone
- 5 to 15 gills
- eggs deposited at sea; direct development
- no bone
- well developed eyes
- 7 pair of gills
- eggs deposited in freshwater, freshwater larva
- jawed fish
what was the “age of fishes?”
devonian fishes
class placodermi
- extinct; early jaw fish
- bony armor around head
- no true teeth
- jaws w/ teeth
- sacles; denticle
- 5 to 7 gills
- spiral valve intesine
- lateral line
- heterocercal tail
modern shark feeding types?
- planktivores
- carnivores
- parasites (cookie cutter sharks)
eggs enclosed in capsule; laid and hatched outside mother
give birth to young, eggs develop in uterus
give birth to young, placental connection
class osteichthyes
- jaws w/ teeth
- bony skeleton
- paired fins
- 4 gill pairs
- simple intestine
superorder chondrostei
- heterocercal tail
- persistent notochord
superorder holostei
- single dorsal swim bladder
- vertebral central often at least partly ossified
- modernized jaws
bony fishes two major lineages
- rayfinned
- lobefinned
subclass dipnoi
subclass crossopterygii
- pair appendages
- may have given rise to terrestrial tetrapods
living fossil
fish that came onto land
eight digits
transition fossil from water to terrestrial tetrapod
class amphibia characteristics
- returns to water to breed
- metamorphosis
- poisonous
class reptilia
- have scaled
- amniotic egg
- dry skin
- 3 chamber heart
crocs, aligators, gharials
- 4 chamber hearts
class mammalia
- have fur/hair
- mammary glands
- 3 middle ear bones
mammal-like reptile
prototherians (Monotremes)
- Egg-laying, aquatic predators on arthropods and worms
- Milk oozes from the skin (no breasts).
- Electroreception
metatheria (Marsupials)
- pouched mammals.
- most diverse in Australia and South America.
- they share complex type of molar tooth shape with placental mammals
eutheria (Placentals)
- nourish their young internally with a placenta
- Later placentals are spectacularly diverse
how do mammals communicate?