Vertebral Column Muscles Flashcards
O: SPs of C7-T3, and the lower nuchal ligament
I: The superior borders and external surfaces of ribs 2 through 5
A: Elevate ribs 2 through 5 at the sternocostal and costospinal joints
Serratus Posterior Superior
O: SPs of T11-L2
I: Inferior borders and external surfaces of ribs 9 through 12
A: Depresses ribs 9 through 12 at the sternocostal and costospinal joints
Serratus Posterior Inferior
Origin: Nuchal ligament from C3-C6 and the spinous processes of C7 - T4
Insertion: Lateral 1/3 of the superior nuchal line of the occiput, mastoid process of the temporal bone and the occipital bone
Action: Extends the head and neck at the spinal joints
Laterally flexes the head and neck at the spinal joints
Ipsilaterally rotates the head and neck at spinal joints
Splenius Capitis
O: SPs of T3-T6
I: Posterior tubercles of transverse processes of c1-c3
A: Extends the neck at the spinal joints
Laterally flexes the neck at the spinal joints
Ipsilaterally rotates the neck at the spinal joints
Splenius Cervicis
O: Inferior transverse process
I: Lamina (superiorly), one to two segmental levels superior to the inferior attachment
A: Contralaterally rotate the trunk and neck at the spinal joints
Extend the trunk and neck at the spinal joints
Laterally Flex the trunk and neck at the spinal joints
O: Posterior sacrum, posterior superior iliac spine, posterior sacroiliac ligament and L5-C4 vertebrae ( Mammillary processes of lumbar, transverse processes of thoracic and articular processes of cervical)
I: Spinous processes of vertebrae 3 to 4 segment levels superior to the inferior attachment
A: Extends the trunk and neck at the spinal joints
Laterally flexes the trunk and neck at the spinal joints
Contralaterally rotates the trunk and neck at the spinal joints
O: Transverse processes of T6-T10
I: Spinous processes of C6-T4
Semispinalis Thoracis
O: TVPs of C7-T6 and the articular processes of C4-C6
I: Occipital bone between the superior and inferior nuchal lines
Semispinalis Capitis
O: TVPs of T1-T5
I: SPs of C2-C5
A: Extends the trunk, neck, and head at the spinal joints
Literally flexes the trunk, neck, and head at the spinal joints
Contralaterally rotates the trunk and neck at the spinal joints
Semispinalis Cervicis
Cervical: 6 pairs between T1-C2
Thoracic: 2 pairs between T2-T1 and T12-T11
Lumbar: 4 pairs between L5-L1
Actions: Extends the neck and trunk at the spinal joints
O: Medial iliac crest and median and lateral sacral crests
I: Angles of ribs 7 to 12
Iliocostalis Lumborum
O: Angles of ribs 7-12
I: Angles of ribs 1-6 and TVP of C7
Iliocostalis Thoracis
O: Angle of ribs 3-6
I: TVP c4 - c6
A: Extends and laterally flexes the trunk and neck at the spinal joints
Anteriorly tilts pelvis at lumbosacral joints and extends lower spine relative to upper spine (Reverse Action)
Iliocostalis Cervicis
O: Medial iliac crest, posterior sacrum, and the transverse processes and spinous processes of L1-L5
I: Transverse processes of all the thoracic vertebrae and the lower nine ribs ( between the tubercles and the angles)
Longissimus Thoracis
O: Transverse processes of the upper five thoracic vertebrae
I: Transverse processes of C2 - C6 (posterior tubercles)
Longissimus Cervicis