Suprahyoid Muscles Flashcards
Which belly of the digastric muscle originates from the mastoid notch of the temporal bone to the central tendon at body and greater cornu of hyoid bone?
Digastric Posterior belly
Origin of the anterior belly: digastric fossa at the inner surface of the inferior border of the mandible to the central tendon at body and greater cornu of hyoid bone
Digastric muscle
List the standard mover actions and the reverse action for the digastric muscle
Standard mover actions: depresses mandible at TMJ and flexes head and neck at spinal joints
Reverse actions: elevates hyoid bone
Origin: Inner surface of mandible at Mylohyoid line
Insertion: Anterior surface of the body of the hyoid
If the Mylohyoid muscle’s standard action is to depress the mandible at TMJ and flex the head at neck at spinal joints, then what is its reverse action?
Reverse action - Elevates the hyoid bone
Origin: posterior surface of styloid process of the temporal bone
Insertion: Junction between body and greater cornu of hyoid bone
Action: elevates hyoid bone
Stylohyoid Muscle
Origin: inner surface of the mandible at the inferior mental spine
Insertion: anterior surface of the body of the hyoid
Geniohyoid Muscle
Geniohyoid Muscle’s standard action is to depress mandible at TMJ and flexes head and neck at spinal joints, what is its reverse action?
It elevates the mandible