Verbal Medium Deck 8 Flashcards
Logically connected or organized
Example: They were too distraught to give a coherent account of the crash.
Unforgiving; showing a desire for revenge
Example: Stung by the negative reviews of his film, in the interview the director made vindictive personal remarks about his critics.
Able to be performed or executed
Example: It is feasible to plan to complete the project by July.
Real or actual; significantly large
Example: Wise parents put aside substantial sums of money toward their children’s education.
A difficult, unpleasant, or embarrassing situation
Example: Having promised to balance the budget, cut taxes, and increase defense spending, the newly-elected president found himself in a hopeless predicament.
Intensely angry
Example: The irate farmer shot the fox in the barnyard.
Reflecting much thought; philosophical, intense; showing great knowledge or insight
Example: Often, some of the most profound remarks come from young children.
To yield to what is just or true
Example: When he realized his mistake, he conceded gracefully
To stir up or disturb
Example: Rumors of change in the government agitated the population.
Shortness, conciseness
Example: Brevity is the essence of journalistic writing.
So preoccupied as not to notice; not aware of or not concerned about what’s happening around them.
Example: The patron, adsorbed in the reading, was oblivious to the librarians question.
Having or showing tender feelings; influenced more by emotion than reason or thought
Example: The sentimental actress wept when she watched herself in her old movies.
Drowsy, sleepy; slothful
Example: The convalescent moved in a lethargic manner.
Of average of middle quality; not very good
Example: A mediocre student in high school will rank low among candidates for college.
Something new; a change in custom or method
Example: Computers are an innovation that has changed many job requirements
To empty, use up
Example: At the present rates of consumption, the known reserves will be depleted before the end of the century.
Outmoded; no longer in use or appropriate
Example: Since several offices have been relocated, the old directory is obsolete
To refrain voluntarily from doing an act
Example: Because I was not sure if I agreed or disagreed with the motion, I abstained from voting on it.
To use, especially unfairly or selfishly
Example: Some employers exploit the labor of illegal immigrants, who are afraid to complain about long hours and substandard wages.
To become steadily less, to shrink
Example: As we consume more oil, our supply dwindles.