Verbal Basic Deck 3 Flashcards
Quick; following immediately
Example: Correspondents appreciate prompt replies to their inquires.
Of lower rank or degree; of poor quality; lesser
Example: That car is of inferior quality; look at how quickly we needed to replace it!
Fellow worker in a profession
Example: The biologist enjoyed shoptalk with her colleagues at the conference.
Not easily noticed; faint, restrained
Example: Her perfume was subtle; one would have to be close to her to be able to smell it.
To keep back or save for use at a later time; to set aside for use for a particular person
Example: The runner had reserved energy for a burst of speed in the final lap.
Idea, general notion
Example: The concept that all individuals have inherent and inalienable rights is basic to the American political philosophy.
Odd, special, unique, not ordinary
Example: The fragrance is peculiar to roses; no other flower smells the same
Changing, fluctuating
Example: The weather report stated that winds would be variable.
Unfruitful, unproductive
Example: Only a few trees cling to the rocky soil of that barren landscape.
Concerned for another, understanding, caring
Example: My grandmother was sympathetic when I told her about my problems.
Without or not according to moral principles
Example: Although she did not break any law, her actions in taking advantage of naive people were unethical.
Free from prejudice or ignorance; socially or intellectually advanced
Example: No enlightened society could condone the exploitation of children as it was once practiced in American industry.
Choice of two unpleasant alternatives; a problem
Example: Even a wrong decision may be preferable to remaining in a dilemma.
Safe, reliable; free from fear or danger
Example: Her secure job assured her a steady income for as long as she chose to work.
Insignificant or modest, not proud or self-assertive
Example: I feel very humble in the presence of wealthy or powerful people.
To display freely with excessive pride
Example: Flaunting expensive jewelry in public may be an invitation to robbery.
Necessary to the maintenance of life; of highest importance
Example: It is vital that you drink plenty of fluids.
To pollute, make unclean or unfit
Example: The pesticide was found in the water table, thereby contaminating the water supply in the wells
To use up, to spend; to take
Example: He consumed the entire pizza in one sitting.
To shrink from a blow or from pain, flinch
Example: She winced when the dentist touched the tooth.