Ventricles Flashcards
Third ventricle, borders
Roof: Lamina Choroidea Epthelialis
Floor: Hypothalamus, Infudibulum, Tuber Cinereum, Subthalamus
Anterior wall: Column of fornix, Lamina terminalis, Anterior commisure
Triangular recess
Optic Chiasm
Optic recess
Posterior Wall: Habenular Commisure, Pineal body, Suprapineal recess and pineal recess, and Posterior commisure
Lateral Wall: Thalamus, hypothalamic sulcus, and hypothalamus.
Medial Wall: NONE, it is in the midline.
Lateral ventricle, borders of Anterior horn
Anterior horn begins rostral to the interventricular foramen on Monroe
Roof, Lateral wall, and Anterior wall: Anterior Forceps /Minor Forceps of the Corpus callosum
Medial wall: Septum Pellucidum
Lateral Wall: Head of Caudate
Lateral ventricle, borders of the Body
Roof: Corpus Callosum and Tapetum/radiations
Floor: Dorsal thalamus, and Lamina Affixa
Medial Wall: Septum Pellucidum, Crus of the fornix
Lateral Wall: Body of the Caudate Nucleus
Lateral ventricle, borders of the Occipital Horn
Lateral Walls: Forceps Major/Tapetum of the Corpus Callosum
All other Walls: Occipital white matter
In the medial wall: The Calcar Avis
In the floor: The Collateral Trigone
Lateral Ventricle, borders of the Temporal horn
Roof: Tail of Caudate nucleus, Stria terminalis from Amygdala and Tapetum
Lateral wall: White matter of the Temporal lobe.
Medial Wall: Lamina Chorodiea Epithelialis, attached to Hippocampal Fimbria
Anterior wall: Amygdaloid nucleus
Floor: Hippocampus
Pes Hippocampus anteriorly, Hippocampal Alveus Rostrally
Collateral Eminence
Fourth Ventricle, borders
Roof: Superior Medullary Velum (merged with Cerebellar Lingula on dorsal exterior portion) Superior Cerebellar Peduncle Inferior Cerebellar Peduncle Inferior Medullary Velum Nodule of cerebellum
Floor: Rhomboid Fossa
Lateral Walls: none really, tent shaped structure, Lateral Apertures of Lushka
Cerebral aqueduct and median aperture are top and bottom.
Rhomboid fossa surface structures
Median sulcus Sulcus limitans Locus Coeruleus Median Eminence Facial Colliculus Superior fovea Stria medullaris Inferior fovea Vestibular trigone Acoustic tubercle Hypoglossal trigone Vagal trigone/Ala Cinereum Funiculus Separans Area postrema Obex