Preferred, because it is direct, efficient, relatively safe for the patient and the blood drawer, and allows multiple tubes to be
easily collected
Step 1
Review and accession test request
Step 2
Greet and reassure the patient and
explain the procedure to be performed.
Step 3
Identify the patient verbally by having him or her state both the first name and last name and compare the information
on the patient’s ID band with the requisition form.
Step 4
Verify if the patient has fasted, has allergies to latex, or has had previous problems with venipuncture.
Step 5
Select correct tubes and equipment for the procedure. Have extra tubes available.
Step 6
Wash hands and apply gloves.
Step 7
Position the patient’s arm slightly bent in a downward position so that the tubes fill from the bottom up.
Step 8
Apply the tourniquet 3 to 4 inches above the antecubital fossa.
Step 9
Clean the site with 70 percent isopropyl alcohol in concentric circles moving outward and allow it to air dry
Step 10
Assemble the equipment while the alcohol is drying. Attach the multi sample needle to the holder
Step 11
Insert the tube into the holder up to the tube advancement mark
Step 12
Reapply the tourniquet. Do not touch the puncture site with an unclean finger. Ask the patient to remake a fist.
Step 13
Remove the plastic needle cap and examine the needle for defects such as non pointed or barbed ends.
Step 14
Anchor the vein by placing the thumb of the nondominant hand 1 to 2 inches below the site and pulling the skin
Step 16
Using the thumb, advance the tube Into the evacuated tube needle, while the index and middle fingers grasp the flared
ends of the holder
Step 17
When blood flows into the tube, release the tourniquet, and ask the patient to open the fist.
Step 18
Gently remove the tube when the blood stops flowing into it.
Step 19
Remove the last tube collected from the holder and gently invert.
Step 20
Cover the puncture site with clean gauze. Remove the needle smoothly and apply pressure or ask the patient to apply
Step 21
Activate the safety device
Step 22
Dispose the needle/holder assembly with the safety device activated into the sharps container
Step 22
Dispose the needle/holder assembly with the safety device activated into the sharps container
Step 23
Label the tubes before leaving the patient and verify identification with the patient ID band or verbally with an
outpatient. Observe any special handling procedures. Complete paperwork
Step 24
Examine the puncture site and apply bandage. Place bandage over folded gauze for additional pressure.
Step 25
Prepare sample and requisition for transportation to the laboratory. Dispose of used supplies
Step 26
Thank the patient, remove gloves, and wash hands