Velopharynx Flashcards
The space between the mouth and nose called the __________
The function of the velum is to close the opening to the ________ so we can _______ oral _______ for ______, and hold ________ _______ pressure for vomiting, voiding, etc. and to keep food from coming out of the nose
The space between the mouth and nose called the velopharynx
The function of the velum is to close the opening to the velpharynx so we can impound oral pressure for speech, and hold thoracic air pressure for vomiting, voiding, etc. and to keep food from coming out of the nose
The first muscle of the soft palate is the _______ _____ _______. It is the primary muscle of velar ______ and _______. It also forms the ______ ______
The first muscle of the soft palate is the levator veli palatine. It is the primary muscle of velar elevation and retraction. It also forms the velar sling
The 4 muscles of the velum are the
________ _______ Palatini
_______ ______ Palatini
Levator Veli Palatini
Tensor Veli Palatini

Tensor veli palatine is innervated by________, orignates at the ________ cartilage, and twists the ______ ________ to open the _________ tube.It wraps around ________ at 90 degree angle to form the muscular ______.
Tensor veli palatine is innervated by trigeminal, orignates at the eustachian cartilage, and twists the torus tubarius to open the eustachian tube.It wraps around hamulus at 90 degree angle to form the muscular sling.

The musculus uvulae is the muscle of the _______ ______ (hump of muscle that forms during contraction) that arises from palatine _________ and terminates in the _______
The musculus uvulae is the muscle of the velar emminence (hump of muscle that forms during contraction) that arises from palatine aponeurosis and terminates in the uvulus

__________ aides in depressing the velum, insterts into posterior _______, innervated by _________, and is sometimes damaged in a tonsilectomy
Palatoglossus aides in depressing the velum, insterts into posterior tongue, innervated by glossopharyngeal, and is sometimes damaged in a tonsilectomy
The __________ port closes in a reflexive, specific pattern, everytime that cannot be changed. _______ pattern (A-P closure) is the most common of all velar movement (80-90%) and the most problematic for children w/_______ ______?
In the _______ pattern, lateral pharyngeal walls close in and velum may not move much. Rare. (5%)
The _______ pattern is true ________ _______ where velum lifts up and _______ pharybgeal walls close in. Rare. (4%)
In ________ w/_______ _______, the velum moves, _______ pharyngeal wall moves and _______ pharyngeal wall moves. Creates a bunched up _______ appearance. Very rare.

The velopharyngeal port closes in a reflexive, specific pattern, everytime that cannot be changed. Coronalpattern (A-P closure) is the most common of all velar movement (80-90%) and the most problematic for children w/cleft palate?
In the sagittal pattern, lateral pharyngeal walls close in and velum may not move much. Rare. (5%)
The circular pattern is true sphincteric closure where velum lifts up and lateral pharybgeal walls close in. Rare. (4%)
In circular w/passavant’s ridge, the velum moves, lateral pharyngeal wall moves and posterior pharyngeal wall moves. Creates a bunched up muscle appearance. Very rare.