Larynx Muscles (extrinsic) Flashcards
_____hyoids are ______ to the _____ bone and are laryngeal _______
______hyoids are _______ to the ______ bone and are laryngeal ________
suprahyoids are superior to the hyoid bone and are laryngeal elevators
infrahyoids are inferior to the hyoid bone and are laryngeal depressors
the bottom bread…
The digastricus (extrinsic) muscle is a _____hyoid laryngeal _______
It has an ______ and ______ belly.
______ belly originates at the _______ (middle of chin) courses laterally and inferiorly and inserts on the greater cornu, held by the ________ _______
________ belly runs from intermediate tendon, courses posteriorly and superioly and inserts on ________ _______
Contraction ______ the hyoid bone and pulls it slightly _______
The digastricus (extrinsic) muscle is a suprahyoid laryngeal elevator
It has an anterior and posterior belly.
Anterior belly originates at the symphysis (middle of chin) courses laterally and inferiorly and inserts on the greater cornu, held by the intermediate tendon
Posterior belly runs from intermediate tendon, courses posteriorly and superioly and inserts on mastoid process
Contraction raises the hyoid bone and pulls it slightly anteriorly
The mylohyoid (extrinsic) muscle is a _____hyoid laryngeal _______
It forms the ______ of the mouth. originates fom medial border of mandible, courses medially and inferiorly creating a _______. Inserts on a tendonous slip called a ______ ______
The mylohyoid (extrinsic) muscle is a suprahyoid laryngeal elevator
It forms the floor of the mouth. originates fom medial border of mandible, courses medially and inferiorly creating a trough. Inserts on a tendonous slip called a midline raphe
superior bread
The geniohyoid (extrinsic) is a _____hyoid laryngeal _______
It originates at the _______, runs straight back and down to insert on the ______ bone.
All extrinsic suprahyoid muscles are _______ attachments that pull larynx up and _______
The geniohyoid (extrinsic) is a suprahyoid laryngeal elevator
It originates at the symphasis, runs straight back and down to insert on the hyoid bone.
All extrinsic suprahyoid muscles are anterior attachments that pull larynx up and forward
Stylohyoid (extrinsic) is a _____hyoid laryngeal _______
It originates at the _______ process, courses medially and inferiorally to insert on greater cornu of hyoid bone. It has two muscles that fork and insert at ________ tendon. these two muscles pull hyoid bone ________ instead of anteriorly.
Stylohyoid (extrinsic) is a suprahyoid laryngeal elevator
It originates at the styloid process, courses medially and inferiorally to insert on greater cornu of hyoid bone. It has two muscles that fork and insert at intermediate tendon. these two muscles pull hyoid bone posteriorly instead of anteriorly.
Sternohyoid (extrinsic) is an _____hyoid laryngeal _______
It arises from the medial aspect of ________, courses superiorly and attaches to body of ______ bone
This is a ______ muscle, contraction pulls the hyoid ______
Sternohyoid (extrinsic) is an infrahyoid laryngeal depressor
It arises from the medial aspect of manubrium, courses superiorly and attaches to body of hyoid bone
This is a strap muscle, contraction pulls the hyoid down
Omohyoid (extrinsic) is an _____hyoid laryngeal _______
It arises from superior border of ______, runs medially and ventrally to _______ tendon from manubrium, then courses superiorly to the _____ bone.
It exerts a posterior ________ pressure
Omohyoid (extrinsic) is an infrahyoid laryngeal depressor
It arises from superior border of scapula, runs medially and ventrally to intermediate tendon from manubrium, then courses superiorly to the hyoid bone.
Sternothyroid (extrinsic) is an _____hyoid laryngeal ________
It arises from first ____, part of _______ and clavicle, courses superiorly and attaches on the oblique line of the ______ cartilage.
Contraction pulls the thyroid cartilage ________
Sternothyroid (extrinsic) is an infrahyoid laryngeal depressor
It arises from first rib, part of sternum and clavicle, courses superiorly and attaches on the oblique line of the thyroid cartilage.
Contraction pulls the thyroid cartilage inferiorly
Thyrohyoid is the only extrinsic _____hyoid that is a laryngeal _______ (cheater muscle)
Contraction narrows the gap between _____ bone and ______ cartilage.This action moves the thyroid cartilage ____
Thyrohyoid is the only extrinsic infrahyoid that is a laryngeal elevator (cheater muscle)
Contraction narrows the gap between hyoid bone and thyroid cartilage.This action moves the thyroid cartilage up.
amphiarthrodial joint
synovial joint
There is 1 _____ and 9 _______ in the larynx.
3 of them are midline _______ (total of 6) and 3 are _______
The largest and most superior is the _______ cartilage
_______ cartilage is under ______ cartilage
These are midline _______ structures
________ attaches to _______ cartilage and peaks over a bit
3 paired cartilages (total of 6)
2 _______ sit on lamina of _______ cartilage
On top of ________ are 2 ________ cartilages
Floating cartilages are the 2 ________
There is 1 bone and 9 cartilages in the larynx.
3 of them are midline unpaired and 3 are paired
The largest and most superior is the thyroid cartilage
Cricoid cartilage is under thyroid cartilage
These are midline unpaired structures
Epiglottis attaches to thyroid cartilage and peaks over a bit
3 paired cartilages (total of 6)
2 aryteniods sit on lamina of cricoid cartilage
On top of arytenoids are 2 corniculate cartilages
Floating cartilages are the 2 cuneiform
2 joints of the larynx are ________ joint and the _________ joint
There are TVF’s and FVF’s, also known as ________ folds. The _______ is between them.
The _______ is the hallway into the larynx
The _______ is between the back of the tongue and epiglottis
TVF’s attach at the ______ of thyroid underneath the notch of ______ cartilage. This point is the _______ commisure
________ commisure looks like a big arch.
The ________ glottis is the anterior 2/3 of glottis. The ________ glottis is the posterior 1/3. It’s called the ________ glottis because the vocal process of arytenoid is in the TVF.
2 joints of the larynx are cricothyroid joint and the cricoarytenoid joint
There are TVF’s and FVF’s, also known as ventricular folds. The ventricle is between them.
The vestibule is the hallway into the larynx
The vallecula is between the back of the tongue and epiglottis
TVF’s attach at the angle of thyroid underneath the notch of thyroid cartilage. This point is the anterior commisure
Posterior commisure looks like a big arch.
The membranous glottis is the anterior 2/3 of glottis. The cartilagenous glottis is the posterior 1/3. It’s called the cartilagenous glottis because the vocal process of arytenoid is in the TVF.
The four extrinsic, suprahyoid, laryngeal elevator muscles are the ________, _________, _________, and the _______
The three infrahyoid, laryngeal depressor muscles are the _________, _________, and _________.
The one “cheater” muscle that is the only extrinsic infrahyoid that is a laryngeal elevator is the _______.
The four extrinsic, suprahyoid, laryngeal elevator muscles are the digrasticus, mylohyoid, geniohyoid, and the stylohyoid.
The three infrahyoid, laryngeal depressor muscles are the sternohyoid, omohyoid, and sternothyroid.
The one “cheater” muscle that is the only extrinsic infrahyoid that is a laryngeal elevator is the thyrohyoid.