Larynx Cartilages, Membranes, Joints, Places and Spaces Flashcards
The membranes that cover cartilage are called _________ and the membranes that cover bones are called _________

The membranes that cover cartilagea are called perichondriaand the membranes that cover bones are calledperiostium

________ are functional connections between bones for movement. The shape determines the kind of ________
The 3 types are _________, _________, ________
The 6 sub types of synovial are _______/_______, _________, ________, ________, ________, _______ and _________
Joints are functional connections between bones for movement. The shape determines the kind of movement
The 3 types are synarthrodial, amphiarthrodial, synovial
The 6 sub types of synovial are Plane/Gliding, ginglymus, pivot, condyloid, sadde, ball and socket

________ muscles have one attachment ________ larynx
________ muscles have both _______ and _______ inside larynx
Extrinsic muscles have one attachment outside larynx
Intrinsic muscles have both origin and insertion inside larynx
Larynx is composed of _______ formed by chondroblasts. ________ covers articular surfaces of bones, and forms frame work (ears, nose, larynx)
3 types
________ - most common, glossy, bluish, most rigid, attaches ribs to sternum, composes nasal septum, bronchial and tracheal rings, may calcify and cause arthritis
___________ - form intervertebral discs, inelastic, allows some movememnt. rigid
_________ - yellowish, more flexible, forms ear and parts of nose.
Ground up cartilage is called __________
Larynx is composed of cartilage formed by chondroblasts. Cartilage covers articular surfaces of bones, and forms frame work (ears, nose, larynx)
3 types
Hyaline - most common, glossy, bluish, most rigid, attaches ribs to sternum, composes nasal septum, bronchial and tracheal rings, may calcify and cause arthritis
Fibrous (fibrocartilage) - form intervertebral discs, inelastic, allows some movememnt. rigid
Elastic - yellowish, more flexible, forms ear and parts of nose.
Ground up cartilage is called condroitin

The pallot, pubis, and bones of skull are immovable or ___________ joints. The ______ will _______ before the joint moves.
__________ joints are slightly _________ (ie, movement between vertebra)
__________ joints are the most common. Can be found between hyline cartilages, and encapsulated joints w/synovial fluid inside. There are 6 sub types
6 subtypes of ________ joints
_______/_______ - one ________ and one ________ surface. like a cup and saucer. allows _________ movement. (ex: spinous process, costal facets of spie so ribs can move for articulation
__________ - hinge joints, allow wide ROM in one plane. (elbows and knees)
__________ - process from one bone going thru an opening in another bone. Only one is atlas and axis for head movement
__________ - wide flat facet and convex surface that fits inside. (jaw)
__________ - joint of thumb in palm. concave, convex. large ROM
_________ and ________ - allows for rotation, shoulders and hips. movement in several planes.

The pallot, pubis, and bones of skull are immovable or synarthrodial joints. The bone will break before the joint moves.
Amphiarthrodial joints are slightly moveable (ie, movement between vertebra)
Synovial joints are the most common. Can be found between hyline cartilages, and encapsulated joints w/synovial fluid inside. There are 6 sub types
6 subtypes of synovial joints
Plane/gliding - one concave an done convex surface. like a cup and saucer. allows gliding movement. (ex: spinous process, costal facets of spie so ribs can move for articulation
Ginglymus - hinge joints, allow wide ROM in one plane. (elbows and knees)
Pivot - process from one bone going thru an opening in another bone. Only one is atlas and axis for head movement
Condyloid - wide flat facet and convex surface that fits inside. (jaw)
Saddle - joint of thumb in palm. concave, convex. large ROM
Ball and socket - allows for rotation, shoulders and hips. movement in several planes.

2 bio and 1 non-bio
The 1st bio function of the larynx is that it acts as a _______ to ________ the airway from _________
The 2nd bio function is to ________ oral pressure in the ________ cavity to allow torso to stay ______ for voiding, vomiting, coughing
The 3rd non-bio function is the _________ of _______
The 1st bio function of the larynx is that it acts as a valve to protect the airway from aspiration
The 2nd bio function is to impound oral pressure in the thoracic cavity to allow torso to stay rigid for voiding, vomiting, coughing
The 3rd non-bio function is the production of voice

1 bone of larynx
9 cartilages (3 paired, 3 unpaired)
__________, ________, _________, 2 ________, 2 __________, 2 __________

1 bone of larynx
9 cartilages
epiglottis, thyroid, cricoid, 2 arytenoids, 2 corniculate, 2 cuneiform

The ______ bone is the only bone in the larynx. Contraction moves the whole larynx. It is the only free ________ bone in body.
The __________ is elastic. It’s important for __________. The tongue presses epiglottis __________ and closes off top of the _________
The _______ ________ is where the vocal folds attach at the ________. The ________ changes dramatically at puberty for men. It is ____ for men, and ____ for women.

The hyoid bone is the only bone in the larynx. Contraction moves the whole larynx. It is the only free floating bone in body.
The epiglottis is elastic. It’s important for swallowing. The tongue presses epiglottis backwards and closes off top of the airway
The thyroid cartilage is where the vocal folds attach at the angle. The angle changes dramatically at puberty for men. 90* for men, 120* for women. also known as adams apple

The ________ cartilage is the foundation of larynx and the most _______ cartilage. It looks like a ______ and articulates with _______ @ the ________
The 2 _________ are the true VF cartilages that VF’s attach to. They have muscular and vocal processes and moves the VF’s
The 2 _________ cartilages sit on the arytenoids
The 2 _________ are the floating cartilages
The cricoid cartilage is the foundation of larynx and the most inferior cartilage. It looks like a ring and articulates with thyroid @ the facets
The 2 arytenoids are the true VF cartilages that VF’s attach to. They have muscular and vocal processes and moves the VF’s
The 2 corniculate cartilages sit on the arytenoids
The 2 cuneiform are the floating cartilages

Cricothyroid joint is between _________ and ________ cartilage and is a synovial _______ joint
TVF’s run from _______ process on _________ to attach on ________, right beneath thyroid ________.
As the cartilages tilt, the vocal folds get ________, this is primary method of _______ change
Cricothyroid joint is between thryroid and cricoid cartilage and is a synovial pivot joint
TVF’s run from vocal process on arytenoids to attach on thyroid, right beneath thyroid notch.
As the cartilages tilt, the vocal folds get longer, this is primary method of pitch change

Cricoarytenoid joints allow for movement of the __________ which allow vocal folds to move. allow for all ROM for _________
Cricoarytenoid joints allow for movement of the arytenoids which allow vocal folds to move. allow for all ROM for phonation

Hyothyroid membrane is between ________ cartilage and ______ bone. It is paired and come together at the middle __________ _________ and posteriorly at the lateral _________ _________
___________ membrane is between the ________ cartilage and _________. It connects _________ border of cricoid cartilage with 1st _________ ring.
Hyothyroid membrane is between thyroid cartilage and hyoid bone. It is paired and come together at the middle hyothyroid ligament and posteriorly at the lateral hyrothyroid ligament
Cricotrachael membrane is between the cricoid cartilage and trachea. It connects inferior border of cricoid cartilage with 1st tracheal ring.

The _________ intrinsic _________ is a continuous sheet of membrane from hyoid bone to bottom of cricoid cartilage. Origin is ________, thryoid cartilage and insertion is arytenoid and ________. Creates a _______ shape
The ________ free border is the ________ fold
The ________ free border is the ________ fold
The aryepiglotic fold, ventricular fold, false VF’s, and epiglottis create multiple ________ ________ points to ________ the airway.
The quadrangular intrinsic membrane is a continuous sheet of membrane from hyoid bone to bottom of cricoid cartilage. Origin is epiglottis, thryoid cartilage and insertion is arytenoid and corniculate. Creates a funnel shape
The superior free border is the aryepiglottic fold
The inferior free border is the ventricular fold
The aryepiglotic fold, ventricular fold, false VF’s, and epiglottis create multiple sphinteric closure points to protect the airway.

The ________ ________ is a funnel shaped membrane that originates from inferior border of cricoid cartilage and courses upwards to connect at the TVF’s inferior to the _________ _________
Covered by two types of _________ - important for cancer
__________ epithelium - largest part of the epithelium, lines URT and LRT
__________ epithelium - posterior surface of epiglottis,aryepiglottic folds, medial surfce of TVF’s and FVF’s. squamous cell carcinoma is cancer on TVF’s
The conus elasticus is a funnel shaped membrane that originates from inferior border of cricoid cartilage and courses upwards to connect at the TVF’s inferior to the quardangular membrane
Covered by two types of epithelium - important for cancer
columnar epithelium - largest part of the epithelium, lines URT and LRT
squamous epithelium - posterior surface of epiglottis,aryepiglottic folds, medial surfce of TVF’s and FVF’s. squamous cell carcinoma is cancer on TVF’s
Larynx places and spaces are important for __________ _________ and also where food/drink may be left over after an _________ ________
Supraglottal places and spaces
__________ - the entrance to the larynx
__________ - space between TVF’s and FVF’s
__________ - name of space between TVF’s
__________ ________ - located below the glottis.
Larynx places and spaces are important for pinpointing lesions and also where food/drink may be left over after an unsafe swallow
Supraglottal places and spaces
vestibule - the entrance to the larynx
ventricle - space between TVF’s and FVF’s
glottis - name of space between TVF’s
subglottal space is below the glottis.
_________ _________ - anterior fixed attachment of TVF’s
__________ _________ - inserion of vocal folds to arytenoids in cartilages
__________ are the most common lesion on TVF’s and usually happen at the juncture of the cartilagenous and membranous glottis
__________ _________ - anterior 2/3rds of TVF’s
___________ __________ - the other 1/3. part of the opening between the vocal processes of the arytenoids
anterior commissure - anterior fixed attachment of TVF’s
posterior commisure - inserion of vocal folds to arytenoids in cartilages
nodules are the most common lesion on TVF’s and usually happen at the juncture of the cartilagenous and membranous glottis
membranous glottis - anterior 2/3rds of TVF’s
cartilagenous glottis - the other 1/3. part of the opening between the vocal processes of the arytenoids