Veintidós Flashcards
An order
Una orden
To obey
I find it interesting
Me resulta interesante
Put it down
A hill (big)
Un cerro
A promise
Una promesa
A proposal
Una propuesta
A budget
Un presupuesto
An outbreak
Un brote
A safe (hotel etc)
Una caja fuerte
To humiliate
As soon as possible
Lo antes posible
A dreamer (2)
Un iluso
Police officer
Oficial de policía
We stop to eat
Paramos a comer
The remainder
El resto
We cheers for health
Brindamos por la salud
Until we resolve this problem it is going to carry on like this
Hasta que resolvamos este problema esto va a seguir así
Whilst you’re not at peace with yourself you can not be with everyone else
Mientras no estés en paz contigo mismo, no podrás estarlo con los demás.
As long as you continue sowing pride you will continue reaping losses
mientras sigas sembrando orgullo seguirás cosechando pérdidas
To wrinkle
To stun
He came with his head held high
Vino con la frente en alto
I told them to leave and rest
Les dije que se fueran a descansar
To whistle
To blow the whistle
Tocar el silbato
Trickle/stream (of blood/water)
You believed it
Lo creíste
It makes me happy
Me pone feliz
Be serious
Ponte serious
Get down (all of you)
Small coin
There’s still a lot for me to learn
Aún me queda mucho por aprender
The Pyrenees
Los Pirineos
The Alps in Spanish
Los Alpes
I was very lucky to be able to
Fui muy afortunado de poder viajar
I was very lucky to be able to (2)
Tuve mucha suerte de poder
The economy is destroyed
The economía está destruida
To visit as many countries as possile
Visitar el máximo de países posible
To make as much money as possible
Ganar el máximo dinero posible
I’m pleased to see you again
Me alegra volver a verte
A spending pattern
Un patrón de gastos
The sooner you get the vaccine, the better
Cuanto antes te pongas la vacuna, mejor
To hide (2)
He is much better than her
Él es mucho mejor que ella