Cuarenta Y Siete Flashcards
Heavy (rain) showers
It has stopped working
Ha dejado de funcionar
A slap
Una bofetada
To slap
It’s getting dark
Está oscureciendo
Two bridges are being built (by one person) (impersonal)
Se están construyendo dos puentes
They have been invited (1- impersonal, 2 third person plural)
(1) Se les ha invitado
(2) Les han invitado
(1) They have been given the tickets/ (2) They’ve given them the tickets
(1) Se les han dado las entradas
(2) Les han dado las entradas
Your brothers have been asked to help
Se les ha pedido a tus hermanos que ayuden
That will have to be translated
Eso tendrá que ser traducido
The bike was stolen
La bici fue robada
They have given her the keys
Le han dado las llaves (a ella)
She has been given the keys (1 - Passive, object made the subject, 2 - ‘se’ passive form)
(1) Le han sido dadas las llaves a ella
(2) Se le han dado las llaves
XX NOT = Ella ha sido dada las llaves XX
A letter has been sent to me (1 passive direct object as subject, 2 passive “se” forma, 3 active but impersonal)
(1) Una carta me ha sido enviada
(2) Se me ha enviado una carta
(3) Me han enviado una carta
A piano was just delivered to Juan
Un piano le acaba de ser entregado a Juan
The robber is being interrogated by the police (object made the subject)
El ladrón está siendo interrogado por la policía
It is said that he is rich
Se dice que es rico
It is known that is is innocent
Se sabe que ella es inocente
He was fired
Él fue despedido
The radio was off
La radio estaba apagada
The radio was turned off
La radio fue apagada
“Someone” wants to fire him (impersonal)
Se le quiere despedir
The bladder
La vejiga
Would you mind if I smoked?
Te importaría si yo fumo?
si o que yo fumara son correctos pero mas formales
Do you mind if I smoke?
Te importa si fumo
Do you mind that I smoke?
Te importa que yo fume
It wasn’t meant to be (2 endings)
No estaba destinado a ser/ occurir
I’m having a house built (2 options)
(1) Me están construyendo una casa
(2) Estoy construyendo una casa
The mortgage
La hipoteca
That wall is very badly painted
Esa pared está muy mal pintada
To watch over
The purchase
La compra
All of the lights were turned on
Todas las luces fueron encendidas
All of the lights were on
Todas las luces estaban encendidas
To service a car (ES)
Revisar un coche
Nobody will be allowed in without a ticket (1 passive with impersonal “se”, 2 active but impersonal)
(1) No se le permitirá a nadie entrar sin entrada
(2) No permitirán que nadie entre sin entrada
He should have it looked at by a specialist
A specialist should have had a look at it for him
Se lo debería haber investigado un especialista
Such cars are no longer made
Ya no se fabrican coches así
Of Irish descent
De ascendencia irlandesa
It is being built
Se está construyendo
She has been given the key (1 - Passive, object made the subject, 2 - ‘se’ passive form)
(1) Le ha sido dada la llave a ella
(2) Se le ha dado la llave
XX NOT = Ella ha sido dada las llave XX