Veins of the upper limb and thorax/abdomen Flashcards
inferior vena cava
drains all body regions below the diaphragm in to the heart
superior vena cava
drains all veins in the head and upper extremities
brachiocephalic veins
drain the head, neck, and upper extremities and unite to form the superior vena cava
subclavian veins
receive venous blood from the upper extremity and joins the external jugular vein to return the venous drainage of the extracranial tissues of the head and neck
azygos vein
drains the right side of the thorax and enters the dorsal aspect of the superior vena cava
accessory hemiazygous vein
drains the left side of the thorax and empty into the azygos vein
posterior intercostal veins
cephalic vein
superficial venous drainage of the arm; courses the lateral aspect of the arm into the axillary vein
axillary vein
drains the arm; branched from the right subclavian
brachial vein
on the posterior aspect of the humerus for arm drainage
basilic vein
superficial venous drainage of the arm; found on the medial aspect of the arm and enters the axillary vein with the brachial vein
median cubital vein
runs between the cephalic and basilic veins in the anterior aspect of the elbow
median antebrachial vein
lies between the radial and ulnar veins and terminates by entering the cephalic or basilic vein at the elbow
ulnar vein
deep vein along the ulna that forms the brachial vein
radial vein
deep vein along the radius that forms the brachial vein
superficial palmar venous arch
drains from the digital veins into the cephalic and basilic vein
deep palmar venous arch
drains from the deep palm into the radial and ulnar vein
digital veins
drains from the fingers into the superficial venous palmar arch
renal veins
drain the kidneys
suprarenal veins
L: empties into the left renal vein
R: receives blood from the adrenal gland on the same side; empties into the inferior vena cava
hepatic veins
drains the liver; empties into the hepatic portal vein for processing in the liver before entering the venous system
hepatic portal vein
formed by the union of splenic and superior mesenteric veins; drains blood from the GI tract, gallbladder, pancreas, and spleen to the liver
splenic vein
drains blood from the spleen, stomach fundus, and part of the pancreas into the hepatic portal vein
superior mesenteric
drains blood from the small intestine, part of the large intestine, and the stomach into the hepatic portal vein
inferior mesenteric
drains the distal portion of the large intestine and rectum and merges with the superior mesenteric vein