Vasculature 3 Flashcards
Where does the radial artery originate?
from the brachial artery at approximately the neck of the radius and passes along the lateral aspect of the forearm
What is the radial artery deep to?
brachioradialis muscle in the proximal half of the forearm
What is the radial artery related to laterally?
related on its lateral side to the superficial branch of the radial nerve in the middle third of the forearm
What is the radial artery medial to?
- the tendon of the brachioradialis muscle
2. covered only by deep fascia, superficial fascia, and skin in the distal forearm
In the distal forearm where does the radial artery lie?
- lateral to the large tendon of the flexor carpi radialis muscle 2. anterior to the pronator quadratus muscle and the distal end of the radius
How can the radial artery be located in the distal forearm?
using the flexor carpi radialis muscle as a landmark
How does the radial artery leave the forearm?
- passes around the lateral side of the wrist
- penetrates the posterolateral aspect of the hand between the bases of metacarpals I and II
What do branches of the radial artery in the hand supply?
thumb and lateral side of the index finger
What are some branches of the radial artery originating in the forearm?
- Radial recurrent artery
- Small palmar carpal branch
- Superficial palmar branch
What does the radial recurrent branch contribute to?
- Anastomotic network around the elbow joint
2. to numerous vessels that supply muscles on the lateral side of the forearm
What does the small palmar carpal branch contribute to?
an anastomotic network of vessels that supply the carpal bones and joints
What does the superficial palmar branch do in the hand?
- enters the hand by passing through, or superficial to, the thenar muscles
- at the base of the thumb
- anastomoses with the superficial palmar arch formed by the ulnar artery
Where does the ulnar artery pass?
larger than the radial artery and passes down the medial side of the forearm
How does the ulnar artery leave the cubital fossa>
- by passing deep to the pronator teres muscle
- then passes through the forearm in the fascial plane between the flexor carpi ulnaris and flexor digitorum profundus muscles
Why is the ulnar artery difficult to palpate?
in distal forearm ulnar artery often remains tucked under the anterolateral lip of the flexor carpi ulnaris tendon