Lower Limb 1.3 Flashcards
Can a muscle span more than one joint?
What can a muscle acts as if it spans a joint?
as a mover or stabiliser of that joint
In the thigh what is the name of the tough layer of deep fascia that covers the muscle groups?
facia lata
What is the lateral band of the fascia thickened for form?
illiotibial tract
What does the iliotibial tract act as?
tendon for some gluteal muscles
What type of muscles are in the gluteal muscles?
- Hip extensors
- Abductors
- Lateral rotators (buttcok)
What are the type trunk compartments?
- Gluteal muscles
2. Hip flexors (pelvis/abdomen)
What are the three thigh compartments?
- Anterior thigh muscles
- Medial thigh muscles
- Posterior thigh muscles
What are the three leg compartments?
- Anterior leg muscles
- lateral leg muscles
- Posterior leg muscles
What is foot compartment?
Intrinsic foot muscles (variety of functions)
What type of muscles are in the anterior thigh muscles?
knee extensors
What type of muscles are in the medial thigh muscles?
thigh adductors
What type of muscles are in the posterior thigh muscles?
knee flexors
What type of muscles are in the anterior leg muscles?
foot extensors (dorsiflexors)
What type of muscles are in the lateral leg muscles?
foor evertors
What type of muscles are in the posterior legmuscles?
foot flexors (plantarfelxors )
What are the gluteal muscles?
- gluteus maximus
- gluteus minimus
- gluteus medius
- (Tensor fasciae latae)
What are the short external (lateral) rotators of the hip?
- Piriformis
- Obturator internus
- Gemelli (superior and inferior)
- Quadratus femoris
What is the proximal attachment of the gluteus maximus?
- posterior iliac crest and sacrum
- attaches across hip joint in two places:
- about 1/4 mainly inferior fibres attach to the gluteal tuberosity of the femur where -remains 3/4 insert into the illiotibial tract that laterally thickened band of flat fasiclata
What is the action of the gluteus maximus?
major extensor of the hip
What are the proximal and distal attachments of the tensor fasciae latae muscle?
- proximally toanterior superior iliac spine
2. distally to the ilotibial tract
What does the tensor fasciae latae muscle act as?
hip flexor
What is the attachment of the gluteus medius?
(broad attachment on ilium) spans the hip joint to attach to the greater trochanter of the femur
What does the gluteus medius do with the gluteus minimus?
abducts the hip or if the limb is planted it raises or stabilises the tilt of the pelvis
What are the proximal muscles of the anterior thigh? What do they merge to form?
- attaching in the abdomen and pelvis:
- psoas major
- lilacs muscles - merge to form illiopsoas