Limb muscles 1.4 Flashcards
What are the two evertors of the foot at the intertarsal joints?
- Peroneus longus
2. Peroneus brevis
What is the proximal attachment of the evertors?
Where do the tendons of the evertors pass?
posteriorly to the lateral maellolus
Where does the brevis tendon attach?
distally to the tubercle of the base of the 5th metatarsal bone
When does the longus tendon change course?
region of the joint between the cuboid bone and 5th metatarsal the longus tendon changes course to cross across the foot from lateral to medial to attach at the first tarsal-metatarsal joint
What are the three plantarflexors?
- Gastrocnemius
- Soleus
- Pantaris
How many heads does the gastrocnemius have? Where do they attach?
- 2 (lateral and medial)
- attach proximally to the posterior aspect of the condyles of the femur
How many heads does soleus have? What is the attachment?
- 1
- proximal attachments are the proximal posterior fibula and the posterior proximal shaft of the tibia
What do the heads of the gastrocnemius and soleus merge to form?
- calcaneal tendon (also known as achilles tendon)
- this three muscle bellies referred to as triceps surae
What do plantarfelxors do?
raise the heel when the foot is already planted
What is plantaris like? Where does the tendon. atta h
- tiny muscle
- long tendon:
- attaches distally into calcaneus (where achilles tendon also attaches) - proximally to the lateral posterior condyle of the femur
- provides minimal force for plantarflexion but is useful as long tendon can be harvested for reconstruction and repair
What are 3/4 muscles of the deep group of the posterior compartment of the leg?
posterior versions of their equivalence in the anterior compartment
What are the proximal attachments of these posterior versions?
- attach to the posterior of the shafts of the tibia, the fibia and to the interosseous membrane
- their tendons pass posteriorly to the medial malleolus to enter the sole of the foot.
Where does the flexor digitorium longus act?
on the lateral 4 digits so its tendon divides to attach to the bases of the distal phalanges of each of those digits
Where does the flexor digitorium hallucis act?
- acts only on the large toe
- after entering the foot its tendon passes along the medial aspect of the sole of the foot to attach to the distal phalan of the large toe
- even though it acts only on one digit it’s normally larger than flexor digitorum longus which acts on 4 digits