Variation and natural selection Flashcards
Continuous Variations
a characteristic that changes gradually over a range of values shows continuous variation. Examples of such characteristics are: height.
Discontinuous variation
A characteristic of any species with only a limited number of possible values shows discontinuous variation. Human blood group is an example of discontinuous variation.
Genetic Variation
When organisms genotype is different, for example blood groups are controlled by genes
Environmental variation
Environmental variation
Environmental variations is the factors in the environment that effect the growth of a organism.
Causes of genetic variation
Mutation – When a gene suddenly changes
The chemicals which can cause mutations are called mutagen. (Ionising radiation and heavy metals such as lead or mercury)
Adaptive features
The features which allow organisms survive in their environment, organisms which are most adapted to its surrounding increases the chance or survival.
The probability of an organism surviving and reproducing in the environment in which it is found in.
When garmetes are formed during sexual reproduction. In meiosis the chromosomes exchange genes making the garmetes formed different.
Any two gametes can fuse together at fertilisation. many possible combinations may be produced at the zygote.
Plants such as cactus and succlents that live in desserts with high temperatures and low water supply, have adaptations to help them live in places with short supply of water. These plants are called Xerphytes
Adaptations of Xerophytes
- Closing stomata
- Waxy cuticle
- Hairy leaves
- Stomata on underside of leaves
- Cutting down on the surface area
- Having deep or spreading roots
Plants that have adaptations to live in wet areas, including in water are called hydrophytes
- Variation
- Over production
- Struggle for existence
- Survival of the fittest
- Advantageous characteristics passed to offspring
- Gradual change
Process of adaptation
the process resulting from natural selection, by which populations become more suited to their environment over many generations