Variables Flashcards
What is an independent variable?
A variable that is changed or manipulated by the researcher
What is a dependent variable?
The variable that is measured by the researcher
What is an extraneous variable?
Any variable (other than the IV) that may have an effect on the DV if it’s left uncontrolled
What is a confounding variable?
Any variable other than the IV that may have affected the DV: we cannot be sure of the source of the changes to the DV
Name the four types of extraneous variables.
Situational Variables
Participant Variable
Investigator Effects
Demand Characteristics
What are situational variables?
Factors in the external environment that can unintentionally affect the results of a study
What are participant variables?
Differences between participants (e.g. age, intelligence etc.) that might influence the outcome of the study
What are investigator effects?
The experimenter subconsciously conveys to participants how they should behave - this is called experimenter bias
What are demand characteristics?
Clues in the experiment that convey to the participant the purpose of the research - this may provoke them to act in favour of the intended outcome of the experiment
Name two ways to decrease the effect of extraneous variables.
What is randomisation?
The use of chance in order to control for the effects of bias when designing materials and deciding the order of conditions
What is standardisation?
Using exactly the same formalised procedures and instructions for all participants in a research study
What is operationalism?
Clearly defining variables in terms of how they can be measured
What are order effects?
Where participants responses are affected due to the order of conditions
What is an intervening variable?
A variable that affects the relationship between the IV and the DV