Experiments Flashcards
Name the four types of experiments.
What is a field experiment?
An experiment that takes place in a natural setting within which the researcher manipulates the IV and records the effect on the DV
What is a natural experiment?
An experiment where the change in the IV is not brought about by the researcher but would have happened even if the researcher had not been there
The researcher records the effect on the DV
What is a quasi experiment?
The study of pre existing conditions between people (e.g smokers and non smokers)
What is a lab experiment?
They are experiments conducted in highly controlled environments, where the IV and DV are manipulated
What are the strengths of a field experiment?
- Can conclude cause and effect
- High levels of internal validity due to the manipulation of variables
- Higher level of ecological validity, which means results can be applied to real life conditions
What are the weaknesses of a field experiment?
- Less control over extraneous variables
- Time consuming
- Harder to replicate than lab experiments
- Random allocation to conditions is difficult
What are the strengths of a natural experiment?
- High levels of ecological validity, meaning that results can be applied to real life situations
- Useful where it’s unethical or impossible to manipulate the IV
What are the weaknesses of a natural experiment?
- Low internal validity as extraneous variables cannot be controlled
- No random allocation to conditions
- Low control over experiment (possible low reliability and validity)
What are the strengths of a quasi experiment?
Carried out under controlled conditions - high internal validity and reliability
What are the weaknesses of a quasi experiment?
No random allocation of participants to conditions - high chance of confounding variables
What are the strengths of a lab experiment?
- Easy to establish cause and effect as the variables are highly manipulated and controlled
- High reliability - easily applied to other situations
What are the weaknesses of a lab experiment?
- Lack ecological validity as they do not approximate real life situations
- High chance of demand characteristics and investigator effects
- Lack mundane realism
What is cause and effect?
When changes in one variable may lead to changes in another
What is a control group?
The group in an experiment in which the variable is not tested
What is an experimental group?
The group in an experiment in which the variable is tested
What is mundane realism?
The extent to which procedures involved in an experiment are similar to events occurring in real life
What is a single blind study?
Where only the participants are unaware of the condition they’ve been placed in
What is a double blind study?
Where neither the participants nor the experimenter know which conditions participants are placed in
What is a pilot study?
A smaller version of a proposed study and researchers frequently conduct these to refine the methodology / strengthen future study design