Vaginal Path III Flashcards
how does invasice SCC of the vulva present
nodules/masses wiht background of leukoplakia
majority of invasice vulvar carcinomas are what type
majority SCC of vulva is what pattern
warty and bowenoid (HPV)
repro- age women
assoc with HPV 16 18 but also type 33
ulcerated mass on vulva, next step?
malignant until proven otherwise
what is the pattern of SCC of vulva that presents in elderly women (mid 70s)
keratinizing type (not HPV)
precursor leasions to keratinizing SCC of the vulva
long stnading LS&A and chronic inflammation
VIN simplex or differentiated (not HPV)
which type SCC of the vulva is HPV releated
the warty bowenoid type that is seen in younger women
describe spread of lymph invasion starting in vulva
inguinal to pelvic to iliac to para-aortic
Tx SCC of vulva
vulvectomy and lymphadenectomy
the deeper the invasion of SCC of the vulva corresponds to what
chance of inguinal metastasis
gross findings of SCC of the vulva
exophytic mass or endophytic ulcer or both
can be labia minor or majora
10% multifocal when assoc with condyloma
keratin pearls are seen in bx taken from vulvular lesion
invasive SCC
stage 1 SCC carcinoma prognosis?
stage 3?
1: 80% 5 yr
3: 40% 5 yr
4: 10% 5 yr
where does accessory breast tissue form
along the milk line, extending to vulva
what is a papillary hidradenoma
sharply circumscribed nodule in vulva with normal overlying skin
considered a benign tumor from apocrine glands
pruritic red crusted sharply demarcated area on labia majora in elderly woman
extramammary paget disease