Vaccination (Yr3) Flashcards
what are the types of vaccine?
modified live
what are the core canine vaccines?
what are the clinical signs of distemper?
respiratory, alimentary, oculo-nasal
neurological (4 weeks post infection)
hyperkeratosis of nose/footpads
what cause canine hepatitis?
canine adenovirus 1
what are the clinical signs of canine hepatitis?
blue eyes, pyrexia, lethargy, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhoea
(jaundice from liver failure)
where does parvovirus replicate?
rapidly dividing cells (leading to villous atrophy causing enteritis and bone marrow destruction caution leukopenia/neutropenia)
what non-core vaccinations are available for dogs?
KC complex
when is herpes virus vaccination commonly used in dogs?
pregnant bitch to give pups passive immunity (given 7-10 days after mating and then 1-2 weeks before expected whelping date)
what is a major advantage of using lepto-2 instead of lepto-4?
can vaccinate earlier allowing earlier socialisation for puppy (1st and 2nd dose 2 weeks apart instead of 4)
what is the typical core canine vaccination schedule?
distemper, hepatitis, parvovirus (DHP) at 6-8 weeks old
DHP 2-4 weeks later (must be at least 10 weeks old)
booster at a year then every three years
what is the typical vaccination schedule for dogs?
8 weeks - DHPPi and L4
12 weeks - DHPPi and L4 and KC
1 year old - DHPPi and L4 and KC
2 years old - L4 and KC
3 years old - L4 and KC
4 years old - DHPPi and L4 and KC
what are the core feline vaccines?
feline panleukopenia virus
feline herpesvirus
feline calicivirus
what are the non-core feline vaccines?
feline leukaemia virus
what is involved in cat flu?
feline herpesvirus
feline calicivirus
where does feline panleucopenia virus effect in the body?
rapidly dividing cells
what is the typical vaccine schedule for a cat?
9 weeks old - TriCat and FeLV
12 weeks old - TriCat and FeLV
1 year old - TriCat and FeLV
2 years old - ducat
3 years old - ducat
4 years old - Tricat and FeLV