Vacab_unit_02 Flashcards
a xxxx group of people is one in which everyone knows each other well and gives each other support when they need it
someone who is xxxx has a very strong belief in a religion
to take positive regulatory or disciplinary action
Wymuszac scisle przestrzeganie prawa
To crack down
official rules that seem unnecessary and prevent things from being done quickly and easily:
a procedure surrounded by bureaucracy and xxxx
Red tape
- gentle in nature or behavior
2 a (1) : moderate in action or effect (2) not sharp, spicy, or bitter
b. not being or involving what is extreme - not severe : temperate
not connected with or controlled by a church or other religious authority
water in walls or in the air that causes things to be slightly wet
weather that is a combination of light rain and mist:
A light … had started by the time we left.
the practice or system of censoring something
if you are xxxx, you have less money [≠ better off]:
The rent increases will leave use xxx
Worse off
Sprawowac kontrole nad grupa ludzi, byc przywodca, grac pierwsze skrzypce
Run the show
a performance by a musician or a group of musicians playing modern popular music or jazz, or a performance by a comedian
do/play/have a xxx
A Gig
very personal or offensively honest
Close to the bone
Nawlec igle
To thread a needle
Odkrecic kran
To run a tap
extract (liquid) by squeezing or pressing
wring out a cloth/sponge
a liquid soap for washing plates, knives etc
Washing-up liquid
to wash clothes, dishes, vegetables etc quickly with water, especially running water, and without soap
To rinse (a glass / your face)
to accidentally make a mark on something, especially one that cannot be removed, or to be marked in this way:
To stain (your shirt)
to tear something or be torn quickly and violently:
To rip (your jeans)
to make something completely wet:
To soak (your jeans)
to repair something that is broken or not working [= fix]:
To mend (your shirt)
a) a small object at the end of a wire that is used for connecting a piece of electrical equipment to the main supply of electricity:
b) a place on a wall where electrical equipment can be connected to the main electricity supply [= socket; = outlet AmE]
A Plug
to talk or complain in a loud excited and rather confused way because you feel strongly about something
To rant (on/about sb/sth)
a tall cup used for drinking tea, coffee etc
A Mug
1 to make beer:
2 if a drink of tea or coffee is xxxx, the taste is getting into the hot water
3 to make a drink of tea or coffee
To brew
a conical child’s plaything tapering to a steel point on which it can be made to spin; “he got a bright red top and string for his birthday”
spinning top
Przywolac komus wspomnienia
Take sb back
Cofnąć cos (co sie wczesniej pwiedzialo)
Take sth back
a fashion, game, type of music etc that becomes very popular for a short time [= fad] moda/szal
A Craze (for sth)
A meat cleaver
Polubic kogos
To take to sb
Zaczac cos uprawiac, zainteresowac sie czyms
To take to sth
A bowler hat
to be confused about what choice to make, especially when the decision involves strong beliefs or opinions:
properties attributable to your ancestry; “he comes from good origins”
a false belief about yourself or the situation you are in zludzenie/urojenie
the correct way to behave in a particular social situation (usually negative)
The done thing
something that you say which means that you would very much like something to happen but there is no possibility that it will
Chance would be a fine thing
You say xxxxxxx when you want to explain that the reason you have failed to do something is because you have been very busy
What with one thing or/and another
Nic takiego
It’s no big thing
to irritate someone; to bother someone
To bug sb (annoy)
friendly conversation in which people make a lot of jokes with and amusing remarks about each other (droczyc sie)
stragan, na którym ludzie sprzedają rzeczy prosto z bagażników aut
Car boot sale
Pchli targ
Swap meet
Zalagodzic, uspokoic, udobruchac
To Placate sb
to signal someone to come.
To beckon
to let air from your stomach come out loudly through your mouth [= burp
To belch
to bend the top part of your body forward in order to show respect for someone important, or as a way of thanking an audience
To bow
1 technical to get rid of a dead layer of skin
2 literary to get rid of something, especially something that is damaging you
To slough
Garbic sie
To slouch
Wskazywac, pokazywac
To indicate
Palec wskazujacy
An index finger
Oszukanczy, falszywy
Napelnic, zatankowac
To fuel sth
Oglupiony, otumaniony
confusion resulting from failure to understand
very unusual or strange
to carry off; to capture; hence, to get the better of; to defeat.
To get away with
the ability to keep something in your memory
to remember information
To retain