Slowka_city Flashcards
a shop dealing with cosmetic treatments for men and women (gabinet kosmetyczny)
Beauty parlour/salon
a shop where clothes are cleaned with chemicals
Dry cleaner’s
a shop where you pay to use the machines there which will wash and dry clothes (pralnia)
Launderette /lo:nd’ret/
a shop where clothes are cleaned with chemicals
Dry cleaner’s
a shop in which fresh vegetables and fruit are sold (warzywniak)
a shop that sells mainly alcoholic drinks to be taken away and drunk at home (monopolowy)
Off-licence (UK)/Liquor shop (US)
a place where the bodies of dead people are prepared to be buried or burned (zaklad pogrzebowy)
Funeral parlour
a place where a town’s rubbish is put (wysypisko smieci)
Refuse dump
a home for children whose parents are dead or unable to care for them (sierociniec)
a place where births, deaths and marriages are officially recorded and where you can get officially married, without a religious ceremony (urzad cywilny)
Registry office
a building in which Jewish people worship and study their religion
Synagogue /’sln.a.gDg/
a place for worship which is holy because of a connection with a holy person or object (swiątynia)
Shrine /[rain/
a building in which monks live and worship (klasztor)
a building for Islamic religious activities and worship (meczet)
Mosque /mDsk/
UK a place where you can go to ask advice from or receive treatment from a doctor or dentist (przychodnia; gabinet lekarski)
a building in which you can go bowling, or the narrow track along which balls are rolled during a bowling game (kręgielnia)
Bowling alley
a closed area in which people shoot guns at targets, either for entertainment or in order to improve their shooting skills (strzelnica)
Shooting gallery
a large public event where goods are bought and sold, usually from tables which have been specially arranged for the event, and where there is often entertainment (targi)
an outside restaurant where drinks and small meals are served
Tea garden
the areas that form the edge of a town or city {He lives in/on the outskirts of Poznan)
an area of a country or town which has fixed borders that are used for official purposes, or which has a particular feature that makes it different from surrounding areas
the outer area of a town, rather than the shopping and business centre in the middle {The company decided to relocate to the suburbs because the rent was cheaper there)
The suburbs
an old building or place which is an important part of a country’s history (zabytek)
Ancient/historic monument
a large building divided into apartments, usually in a poor area of a city (kamienica czynszowa)
Tenement (house)
describes a house that is not connected to any other building (dom wolnostojący)
Detached house
a house that is semi-detached is one that is joined to another similar house on only one side (blizniak)
Semi-detached house
UK (also terrace) built as or belonging to a row of often small houses joined together along their side walls (szeregowiec)
Terraced house
a set of stairs inside a building usually with a bar fixed on the wall or onto vertical poles at the side for you to hold on to (klatka schodowa)
Staircase (UK)/ Stairway (US)
a building in which local government officials and employees work and have meetings (ratusz)
Town hall
the land and buildings owned by someone, especially by a company or organization (e.g. The company is relocating to new premises.)
Premises (plural noun)
a strip of countryside round a city or town where building is not allowed (pas zieleni)
Green belt
a strong fence which separates the two sides of a large road or which is built at a dangerous place at the edge of a road, to help prevent accidents
Crash barrier
a machine, usually in a wall outside a bank, from which you can take money out of your bank account using a special card {e.g. Is there an ATM on this street? I need to get some money out.)
Cashpoint (UK) / ATM (US) (automated teller machine)
a special machine to validate your ticket when you travel by bus/metro etc. (kasownik)
Ticket validator/ ticket validation machine
a path with a hard surface on one or both sides of a road, that people walk on (chodnik)
Pavement (UK)/ Sidewalk (US)
the edge of a raised path nearest the road (krawężnik)
Kerb (UK)/ Curb (US)
a rounded stone used on the surface of an old-fashioned road (bruk; kostka brukowa)
Cobble or Cobblestone
a special route for bicycles
Bicycle path
an area of ground for parking cars
Attended / Unattended xxx yyy - strzezony/niestrzezony
Car park (UK) / Parking lot (US)
a building for parking cars
Parking garage (US)
a device at the side of the road that you put money into so that you can leave your vehicle there for a particular amount of time (parkometr)
Parking meter
a small raised area built across a road to force people to drive more slowly (prog zwalniajajcy) (e.g. Local residents are asking for speed bumps to be installed in their street.)
Speed bump / Sleeping policeman
a large vehicle that is driven from one house to another to collect rubbish from the dustbins outside (smieciarka)
Dustcart (UK) / Garbage truck (US)
a road or path that goes under something such as a busy road, allowing vehicles or people to go from one side to the other (przejscie podziemne)
Subway (UK) / Underpass (US)
a place on a road, especially one where there is a lot of traffic, across which wide black and white lines are painted, and at which vehicles must stop to allow people to walk across the road
Zebra crossing (UK)/CrosswaIk (US)
a tall post which holds a light at the side of roads and in other public places
a place where taxis wait for customers
Taxi rank (UK)
a place where three or more roads join and traffic must go around a circular area in the middle, rather than straight across (rondo)
Roundabout (UK) / Traffic circle (US )
a road built around a town or village so that traffic does not need to travel through it (obwodnica)
a different route that is used because a road is closed (objazd) (e.g. Traffic diversions will be kept to a minimum throughout the festival.)
Diversion (UK) / Detour (US)
a road which is closed at one end, and therefore does not lead anywhere (slepa uliczka)
an official notice which is put on your vehicle when you have parked illegally, and which tells you that you must pay a particular amount of money as punishment
Parking ticket
a device that is designed to prevent vehicles from being moved; mostly to force the payment of outstanding parking tickets (blokada na kolo)
Wheel clamp (in the USA also Denver boot)
a uniformed local government formation established to protect public order and peace in the town, (straz miejska)
Municipal police
a set of stairs moved up or down by electric power on which people can stand and be taken from one level of a building to another, especially in shops, railway stations and airports (e.g. I’ll meet you by the up/down escalator on the second floor.) (schody ruchome)
Escalator /’es.ka.lel.tar /
a set of doors which you go through by pushing them round in a circle (drzwi obrotowe)
Revolving door
a piece of land on which a house or other building is being built
Construction site
a seat joined by two ropes or chains to a metal bar or a tree, on which especially a child can sit and move backwards and forwards (hustawka)
the system of carrying away waste water and human waste from houses and other buildings through large underground pipes or passages (kanalizacja)
a place where sewage is treated so that it can be safely got rid of or changed into fertilizer (oczyszczalnia sciekow)
Sewage works (UK) / Sewage treatment plant (US)
a pipe or channel which is used to carry away waste matter and water from a building, or an opening in the road which rain water can flow down (odplyw, studzienka sciekowa)
a hole in a road surface which results from gradual damage caused by traffic and/or weather (koleina) caused by traffic and/or weather (koleina)
a person who is elected or chosen to be the leader of the group who governs a town or city
an elected member of a local government
Councillor (councilman/councilwoman)
province; in Poland an area which is governed as part of a country
a system of vehicles such as buses and trains which operate at regular times on fixed routes and are used by the public (komunikacja publiczna)
Public transport