Gig Flashcards
At the concert
Na koncercier, at jezeli w miejscu jest duzo ludzi
when someone performs a play or a piece of music
performance of Stern’s
performance of the Bruch concerto
The orchestra will give two more performances this week.
This evening’s performance will begin at 8.00 pm.
memorable/brilliant/inspired etc performance
Franklin gave a memorable performance at last year’s festival.
a live performance by the local band Indigo
To take a bow
Kłaniać się, ukłonić się
an additional or repeated part of a performance, especially a musical one:
The band came back onstage for an encore.
Lista utworów do wykonania na koncercie
Support act
Wystep wspomagajacy ?
1 [countable] a large group of people who have gathered together to do something, for example to watch something or protest about something
crowd of
a crowd of angry protesters
a crowd of 30,000 spectators
There were crowds of shoppers in the street.
A vast crowd gathered in the main square.
She mingled with the crowd of guests, exchanging greetings.
Saturday’s game was watched by a capacity crowd (=the maximum number of people that a sports ground etc can hold).
Troops fired tear gas and shots to disperse a crowd of 15,000 demonstrators.
1 [countable] a shout of happiness, praise, approval, or encouragement [≠ boo]:
A great cheer went up from the crowd.
So let’s give a cheer to the kids who passed their exams.
The final whistle was greeted with triumphant cheers from players and spectators.
(a round of) applause
Aplauz miedzy utworami np. Graja - oklaski - znowu graja
a place where an organized meeting, concert etc takes place
sporting/conference/concert etc venue
The first thing to do is book a venue.
The band will play (=perform at) as many venues as possible.
venue for
the venue for the latest round of talks
- theatre [countable] the raised area in a theatre which actors or singers stand on when they perform [↪ backstage]
on stage
She is on stage for most of the play.
She appeared on stage with George Michael.
To stage (a show)
Ustawic cos
Led screen
Ekran z diod LED
Efekty pirotechniczne
To lip-synch
Poruszac ustami do muzyki, udajac ze sie spiewa (potocznie)
Backstage pass
Przepustka za kulisy
(informal) someone whose job is moving equipment for rock musicians
- [countable] all the people who work on a ship or plane:
The plane crashed, killing two of the crew and four passengers.
crew of
He joined the crew of a large fishing boat.
a crew member - [countable] a group of people working together with special skills:
a TV camera crew
ground crew - [singular] a group of people or friends - often used to show disapproval:
a motley crew of students
Do you still hang out with the same crew? - [countable] a team of people who compete in rowing races:
Who will be on the college crew? - [countable] informal a group of musicians, especially in garage music