uworld deck 5 Flashcards
most effective tx for COPD?
smoking cessation
best way to dcrs risk of CV disease?
smoking cessation
What is common complication of gastric bypass?
stomal stenosis -> stricture of anastamosis of gastric pouch and jejunum
Systemic effects of COPD?
svr COPD can cause weight loss, skeletal muscle dysfxn, incrsd CV morbidity and mortality
How best eval secondary amenorrhea?
best to do progestin w/drawal challenge
How eval abnormal uterine bleeding?
do endometrial bx after pelvic exam and pap smear
si//sx of cellulitis?
rapidly spreading, dermal and subcu infxn, most freq caued by staph aureus or GAS. px w/ well demarcated area of warmth, swelling, tenderness, erythema
What is presentation of seborrheic dermatitis?
scalp/ face rash w/ erythematous lessions w/ dry or greasy scales or crusts.
How tx seborrheic dermatitis?
low potency steroids on face, ketoconazole cream, medicated shampoos
What is rosacea? Si/sx?
chronic inflamm of skin, usually on face. >30 y/o pt. px w/ erythema, telangiectasia, pustules, papules
How does tinea cruris px?
involves groin, rarely scrotum, may have central clearing w/ darker border
Most common cause of erthema multiforme?
most often infxs cause… esp herpes simplex
How does erythema multiforme px?
appears as targetoid lesions.
How tx acute herpes zoster?
oral famciclovir w/in 72 hrs of formation of herpetic rash.
How differentiate SLE malar rash from rosacea?
malar rash spares nasolabial folds and areas below nares and lower lip. Rosacea won’t have systemic SLE sx
How tx inflamm Acne?
tx w/ oral ABX
What are types of Acne?
non-inflamm acne -> open and closed comedones, inflamm acne -> papules, pustules, nodules
What are non-concerning signs w/ LAD?
yng pt, <2 cm, freely mobile, rubbery, recent infxn
best method for screening of hearing impairment in adults?
whispered voice test
Best wy to eval fall in elderly?
get up and go test - > asses balance and gait
How tx urge inconctinence?
tx w/ anticholinergic like oxybutinin, can also use tolterodine
How manage young pts w/ mild/ pre-htn?
begin w. lifestyle changes, Dash Diet
Si/sx of coarctation of aorta?
Lower pulse delayed cmprd w/ upper extrem pulse, lower bp in lower extrem, will see rib notching on cxr, systolic and diastolic murmurs over back due to collateral formation.
How tx stg 2 htn?
systolic >=160 or diastolic >=100, begin w. 2 drug therapy
Mostcommon paraneoplastic syndrome assoc w/ squam cell carcinoma of lung?
PTH related peptide - > hypercalciemia
Sis/sx of GVHD?
rash on face, hands, feeet blood diarrhea, Incrsd LFTs, jaundice
What is cause of GVHD?
activation of donor lymphocytes against recipients wbcs/ rbcs
What is significance of positive prussian blue stain of UA?
demonstrates hemosiderin presence in blood suggesting oxidative stress
Most common cause of myocarditis?
viral, esp coxsackie A&B
How manage variceal bleeding?
majority stop spontaneously, can tx w/ vasoconstrictors -> octreotide, somatostatin, terlipressin
What is one result of incrsd CO in blood?
dcrsd O2 delivery to tissues leading to anearobic metabolism and lactic acidosis
effect of steroids on acid-base state?
can cause hypokalemia w/ metabolic alkalosis
effect of OSA on acid base?
causes resp acidosis
first step in tx of acute decomp HF?
give lasix, do not give beta blockers as will cause exacerbation
Side effects of EPO use?
worsenign of htn, HA, flu-like sx, red cell aplasia
tx of acute angle glaucoma?
timolol, acetazolamide, mannitol, pilocarpine
AVOID Atropine
Clinical fx of IBS?
recurrent abd pain/ discomfort for past 3 months + sx improvement w/ BM, chng in freq of stools, chng in form of stools, commonly px as chronic crampy ab pain.
Lab findings sugg of gallstone pancreatitis?
ALT>150, incrsd alk phos
What is most common cause of svr mitral regurg in developed nations?
mitral valve prolapse
How does anserine bursitis px?
pain centromedial just below joint line of knee, can occur due to abnormal gait, overuse trauma