MKSAP/Uworld Flashcards
How does brown sequard px?
contralateral loss of pain/temp ~2 levels of below lesion
What happens w/ Primary Biliary cirrhosis?
Get loss of biliary ducts
What is risk of NE presser?
alpha agonist properties can cause vasoconstriction which can lead to ischemia of distal extremities
What is major adverse rxn w/ INH?
can cause isoniazid hepatitis, d/c drug if ALT/AST >100
What is HCAP?
pneumonia acquired w/in 72 hours of hospitalization. Most often 2/2 G - rods (E. coli, P.A., Staph aureus)
Sx of CAP?
fvr, chills, cough w/ thick sputum, pleuritic chest pain, dyspnea, tachy, tachypnea, late insp crackles, bronchial breath sounds, pleural frxn rub
Common bugs w/ atypical CAP?
mycoplasma pneumo, Chlamydophila pneumonia, C. psittaci, coxiella burnetti, viral (influ A, B, adeno, parainflu, RSV)
Si/sx of atypical CAP?
HA, sore throat, fatigue, myalgia, dry cough, fvr, wheezing, rhonchi, crackles, Pulse-temp dissoc, nl HR in setting of fvr
How w/u suspected CAP?
cxr (PA, lateral), CBC, BMP, O2 sat, need cx before ABX, w/ G stam/ cx of sputum.
Waht bug causes CAP in certain popualtions?
Alcoholics - klebs, Immigrants - TB, nursing home - nosocomial esp upper lobes and pseudomonas
Who likely to get legionella?
organ xplant recipients, renal failure patients, chronic lung disease pts
What determines whether pt is hospitalized for CAP?
depends on severity of illeness, may tx some w/ outpatient ABx
How tx uncomplicated CAP if no comorbidities?
if uncompl tx w/ azithro or clarithro. If comorbidities px, add quinolones. COnt for >5 days or until afebrile for 48 hrs
How tx HAP?
tailored towards G- rods = cephalosporins, imipinem, zosyn
What is complication of penumonia?
can get pleural effusion if significant that requires drainage. Can progress to empyema.
Where are aspiration infxns most likely to occur?
Posterior seg of upper lobes and superior seg of lower lobes of R lung.
Why ventilator incrsd risk of pneumonia?
loss of clearance mechanism, positive pressure inhibits clearence
How tx VAP?
ceftazidime or cefepime, or zosyn + aminoglycosides or quinolones + vanc or linezolid
Organisms assoc w/ aspiration pneumo?
peptostrep, fusobacterium, bacteroides (oral flora), also S. aureus, S. pneumo, G- Bacilli
When does TB because clinical? Si/sx?
w/ secondary TB (primary TB usually asx), px w/ fvr, night sweats, weight loss, malaise, cough (dry to puruelnt) hemoptysis
What type of virus is flu?
orthomyxovirus, types A and B cause flu
How do bugs causing meningitis typicalyl spread?
invasion of blood and hematog seeding, Also retrograde xport along CN ( esp olfactory), can be contig spread from sinusitis, otitis media, surgery
When use cardiac resynchronization therapy?
CHF w/ EF< .12, w/ LBBB.
Common side effects of bisphosphonates?
can cause pill esophagitis, incrsd risk of fx if used for >5 years
How determine COPD?
do PFTs, if FEV1/FVC < 70 = COPD. FEV1 grades severity of COPd
What is delayed sleep phase syndrome?
Circadian rhythm sleep dx affecting time of sleep, px w/ falling asleep very late and having difficulty waking.
What is most common cause of acute pericarditis?
viral infxn
What are indications of hemodialysis?
refractory hyperK, volume overload/ refract pulmo edema, refract metabolic acidosis (pH<7,2), uremic pericarditis, uremic enceph/neuropathy, coagulopathy
When likely to get invasive aspergillosis?
immunocompromised pts esp neutropenia or on steroids
How invasive aspergillosis px?
fvr cough dyspnea, hemoptysis, cxr shows rapidly progressing, dense opacitiy, CT shows halo sign
Best way to lower BP from best to least?
- weight loss, 2. dash diet, 3. exercise 4. dietary sodium 5. ETOH decrsd
What is idopathic pulmo fibrosis?
restrictive lung disease of unknown cause, 2/2 chronic inflamm of alveolar walls = widespread fibrosis
PFTs in restrictive diseae?
dcrsd TLC, FEV1, FVC, nl-incrsd FEV1/FVC, get incrsd A-a gradient deu to perfusion mismatch
What is seen on cxr w/ IPF?
honeycomb pattern, dcrsd lung volumes, pulmo vascular congestion
SIde effect of loop diuretics and result?
can get hypoK and hypoMg can lead to arrythmias like vtach.
How does nocardia appear on gram stain?
crooked branching, beaded G+ partially acid fast filaments
How tx nocardiosis?
bactrim is tx of choice
What is relative risk?
measure of associ in cohort study, IF >1 then positive correlation, if less than one then negative associate. Greater the value, stronger the assoc
When use in ACEI in diabetics?
BP > target value or signs of diabetic nephropathy
How define diabetic nephropathy
spot urine albumin/ creatine >30
WHat is gemfibrozil?
fibrate that incrs HDL and dcrs TG
Si/sx of ethylene glycol poisoning
metab acidosis w/ anion gap, rectangular enveloped shaped crystals, can lead to ARDS, HF, renal failure
Si/sx of adrenal tuberculosis?
weight loss, fvr, sputum prodxn, nausea, ab pain, orthostatic hypotension, calcification of adrenals on CT
Findigns w. ATN?
BUN/Cr20, FENA>2%, muddy brown granular casts
What causes RBC casts? What does it indicate?
glomerular disease or vasculitis
Braod casts indicated what?
chronic renal failure
What drugs commonly cause acute pancreatitis?
diuretics, lasix, thiazides, IBD drugs, immunosuppressants, valproic acid, flagyl, tetracycline
How manage PVCs?
if asx, just observe, if sx then give beta blockers
What is most common adverse rxn w/ infusion in 1st 1-6 hrs?
nonhemolytic transfusion rxn
What causes a nonhemolytic xfusion rxn?
leukocytes in PRBCs release cytokines that when xfused lead to xsient fvr, chills, malaise w/ no hemolysis
When use irradiated blood?
BMT recipietns, acquired congenital immunodeficiencies, blood by 1st or 2nd degree relatives
How does acute hemolytic rxn w/ blood px?
Fvr chills, flank pain, hemoglobinuria, prevent w/ careful crossmatching/.
When screen for DM and how?
Begin at 45 if no risk fx, any screening test is appropriate
When do pneumococcal vaccination?
all patients >=65 y/o w/ revaccination 5 years after first dose.
What are skin tags associated w/?
insulin resistance, pregnancy, crohns.
What skin fx associated w/ hep C?
porphyria cutanea tarda, cutaneous leukocytosis, vasculitis (palpable purpura)
Si/sx of esophageal scleroderma?
sticking sensation in throat, dysphagia w/ heartburn, absence of peristaltic waves in lower 2/3 of esoph, dcrs LES tone
How differentiate esophageal scleroderma and achalasia?
incrsd in LE ton in achalasia, not dcrs
How does interstitial nephritis px?
fvr, rash, acute renal dysfxn, eosinophiluria, w/ WBC casts
How does bacillary angiomatosis px in HIV?
fvr, weight loss, ab pain, exophytic purple skin lesions, can get intrahepatic lesions, lesions are prone to hemorrhage, due to bartonella species.
Px of thyroiditis?
painless thyroid mass w/ hyperthyroidism, could be painful if de quervans. Low radioactive iodine uptake
When use two sample z test?
When comparing means
How manage diabetic pt w/ pyelo?
IV abx for 48-72 hrs, then switch to sensitive ABX PO for 10-14 days