uworld 7 Flashcards
What meds can cause constipation?
numerous but esp anticholinergics. Hypothyroidism also can cause
How does amoxicillin type rash in EBV mono appear?
Occurs 24 hrs usually after taking drug, appears of polymorphous maculopapular rash.
How tx neutropenic fvr?
W/ broad spectrum ABX including P.A. coverage (i.e. cefepime, carbapenems, quinolones) usually quinolone + beta lactam
How prevent contrast induced nephropathy?
IV hydration needed, prevents renal vasoconstrxn and tubular injury, also nacetyl cysteine provides benefit
How differentiate asthma and COPD?
asthma reversible w/ bronchodilator while COPD is partially or non-reversible
Tx for asthma vs COPD?
inhaled steroids better for asthma but inhaled anticholinergics preferred for COPD.
Si/sx of sarcoidosis?
commonly AA women - > arthritis, lungs px w/ cough, dyspnea, fever, weight loss. Skin px w/ erythema nodosum, eyes px w. anterior uveitis,
CXR findings w/ sarcoidosis?
bilateral hilar adenopathy and reticular opacities
most common cause of hepatic cirrhosis?
ETOH abuse, viral hepatitis, NAFLD
Cause of wilson’s disease?
AR disease w/ deficiency of copper binding enzyme that fails to bind Cu or excretion onto ceruloplasmin
Lab finding w/ wilson’s?
low ceruloplasmin, low serum Cu, high urine Cu
What is hepatic whitlow?
self limiting viral infxn of hand due to HSV1 or HSV2 that px w/ redness, tenderness, vesicles.
Positive tzack smear px as?
multinucleated giant cells which suggests herpes infxn
Si/sx of disc prolapse?
unilateral radicular pain in dermatomal distrib., back spasm w/ inability to valsalva.
Si/sx of cauda equina syndrome?
bladder atony w/ overflow incontinence, bilateral sciatica, saddle anesthesia, loss of anal sphincter tone
Si/sx of acute bronchitis?
wheezing, afebrile, coag of acute onset, productive of yellow sputum, may be blood tinged
What is senile purpura?
ecchymosis in elderly in areas susc to trauma, due to atrophy of perivascular CT, no prior bleeding probs in hx
How does digoxin toxicity prx?
N/V, anorexia, confusion, weakness, visual abnormalities
What are indications for surgery w/ aortic stenosis?
syncope, angina, dyspnea, operation of choice is valve replacement
How w/u dysphagia?
If of solids + liquids- likely motility issue, do barium 1st, endo 2nd if inconclusive
What prophylaxis against malaria used in L.A. & Korea
Primaquine ( no falciparium in this region)
What prophylaxis used where falciparum resistant to chloroquine?
can use atovaquone-proguanil, doxy, mefloquine. Needed in subsaharin Afric, SE Asia, southern Asia
If noncaseating granuloma on lung biopsy? How tx?
sarcoidoiss most likely. tx w/ steroids
How does cyclosporine fxn?
inhibits IL-2 mainly, also inhibits other cytokines and helper T cells
Adv rxn of cyclophosphamide?
nephrotoxic - > htn, neurotoxic (HA, seziures, vision probs), hyperglyc, SCC + lymphoprolif malignancy, gingival hyperplasia, GI sx
Adv rxn of azathioprine?
dose-related diarrhea, leukopenia, hepatoxicity
How does obstructive PFT flow loop appear?
rapid incr in expiratory pressure with rapid fall, producing steep downward slope, like backwards J
How does restrictive PFT flow loop appear?
slower rise in expiratory pressure with slower linearly dcrs in pressure upon expiration< like upside down V.
What is BNP correlate w/?
level of circulating BNP - > severity of left ventricle filling pressure + mortality. Assoc w/ S3 when elevated.
How does HOCM murmur sound?
heard on left sternal border, cresc-descres murmur, due to interventrical septal hypertrophy
How differentiate HOCM from AS?
AS px on R sternal border and radiates to carotids, HOCM rare in young individuals w/out FMHX
Concerning signs for lymph node?
hard, immobile, non-rubbery, >2 cm
best tx for poor appetite in cancer pt?
progesterone analog megestrol acetate and medroxyprogesterone, also steroids
ACLS protocol for vfib, vtach?
first defib, then epi w/ 3 min CPR, repeat defib, give antiarryhtmics
how does OD on beta blockers px? How tx?
bradycardia, AV block, hypotension, diffuse wheezing. Tx w/ glucagon (incrs cAMP levels)
Risk of TCA OD and how tx?
can cause QRS prolongation leading to ventric arrythm, tx w/ Na bicarb - > depresses action of sodium channels preventing QRS prolong
What is source of bleed in mallory weiss tears?
Ruptured submucosal arteries
Px of cluster headaches?
tearing, pain of ipsilateral eye, horner’s syndrome, runny nose
How tx w/ ppx against cluster HA?
Can do verapamil, lithium, ergotamines
How does warfarin skin necrosis appear?
get pain then bullae then skin necrosis 2/2 to warfarin admin