uworld deck 4 Flashcards
What are most common bugs w/ cellulitis?
Grp A strep, S. Aureus
Causes of cellulitis?
IV catheters, incisions, bites/wounds, also venous stasis, lymphedema, Diabetic ulcer
What is erysipelas?
ceullulitis confined to dermis and lymphatics, usually 2/2 GAS
How tx tetanus?
Admit to ICU, consider intubation, metronidazole or other ABX, Tetanus immune globulin, benzos for symptomatic tx
What bugs usually cause osteomyelitis?
S. aureus if catheter septicemia, coag - staph if prosthetic jonit, salmonella if sickle cell
What are risks for osteomyelitis?
open fx, DM, IV drug use, sepsis
How use of ESR and CRP in osteomyelitis?
Used only to trend tx effectiveness
Best studies for osteomyelitis?
Do MRI for dx and asses extent of disease, if cant do MRI, then do bone scan
How tx osteomyelitis?
Requires long term IV ABX (4-6 wks), based on cx, may require surgical debridement or amputation
What finding would r/o septic arthritis?
if painless ROM then septic arth unlikely
How get acute septic arthritis?
usually 2/2 hematog spread, can be direct spread from abscess
What are most common bugs for septic arthritis?
S. aureus most common, can also be strep. N. gonorrhea in young, Salmonella in sickle cell
Signs of septic arthritis on joint aspiration?
WBC>50,000, mostly segs, no crystals
How tx septic arthritis?
tx immediately with empiric ABX, vanc, G- coverage if concern for infxn of that type.
How does stage 1 of lyme disease px?
erythema migrans - lrg target shaped lesions, if more than 1 lesion then hematog spread present
How does stage 2 of lyme disease px?
early dissemination - HA, neck stiffness, Fvr/chills, fatigue. Late dissemin- encephalitis, meningitis, bilateral facial nerve palsy, AV block, pericarditis,
How tx lyme disease?
Tx w/ doxycycline, if allergic use amoxicillin or cefuroxime
What bug causes rockey mountain spotted fever?
rickettsiea ricketsiae an intracellular bacteria
What bug causes malaria?
plasmodium - vivax, ovale, falciparum, malariae
What is fvr pattern w/ malariae?
If falciparum, no pattern, if vivax/ovale 48 hr fvr ycle, malariae has 72 hr pattern
How dx malariae?
do giemsa stain of periph smear
How tx malaria?
If sensitive- chloroquine, if resistant then quinine and tetracycline or atovaquone-proguanil and mefloquine
What is rabies?
Viral encephalitis w/ pain @ bite, sore throat, fatigue, HA, N/V.
How does rabies encephalitis px?
confusion, combativeness, hyperactivity, fvr, seizures, hydrophobia
What are the types of aspergillus infxns?
allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis, pulmonary aspergilloma, invasive aspergillosis
What is ABPA?
type 1 hypersensitivity rxn that px w/ asthma and eosinophillia
What is pulmonary aspergilloma?
inhalation of spores in pts w/ hx of sarcoid, histo, TB, bronchiectasis
What is invasive aspergillosis?
hyphae invade lung leading to thrombosis and infxn. Mainly in AIDS patients
What is result of ascares infxn?
Can be asx, postprandial abd pain, vomiting, can get bowel, pancreatic, common bile duct obstrxn
How does diverticulitis px?
crampy ab pain, usually LLQ, w/ change in bowel habits
Best test for diverticulits?
best to do CT as is most sensitive & can detect complications like perfs and abscesses
Best test to asses concern for HUS?
need periph smear to look for schistocytes and incrsd retic
How manage HUS?
dont give ABX, platelet use is controversial as may worsen thrombosis
What is radiation proctitis?
Sx of diarrhea & tenesmus following radiation tx, px w/ mucosal telangiectasia and submucosal fibrosis on biopsy. Dx w/ flex sig
How manage salmonella gastroenteritis?
self limiting so only supportive care. Only tx aggressively if 50 y/o if have endovascular or bone prostehsis or if immunocomp
What are lab signs of hepatocellular injury?
Significant incrs in AST and ALT, ALT more specific to liver. Also see direct bili incrs and milk alk phos.
Effect of OCP on bile?
CAn get conj hyperbilirubinemia w/ incrs alk phos levels
How manage acute cholangitis?
Broad spec ABX w/ G+, G- and anaerobic coverage. Do ERCP to remove obstrxn
What level of TG necessary for pancreatitis?
TG must be >1000 for majority of cases