Uworld deck 1 Flashcards
What is req for dx of Type II DM?
a) fasting gluc >126, b) random gluc > 200 & sx of hyperglyc, c) 2 hrd GGT > 200
What is impaired fasting glucose?
Fasting glucose 100-125, in between state between normal and DM.
How tx impaired fasting glucose or impaired GGT?
tx with lifestyle changes, diet, exercise
When is metformin contraindcated?
Dont use if renal insufficiency, Cr>1.4. Can lead to worsening lactic acidosis
How tx hospitalized pt with DM II?
Tx w/ basal + bolus insulin using long acting insulin (lantus, novolog) and short acting (reg insulin)
How tx diabetic retinopathy?
laser ablation w/ pan retinal photocoag
How does diabetic retinopathy px?
px w/ non prolif w/ hard exudates, microaneurysms, minor hemorrhages + cotton wool spots of neovascularization. Can lead to retinal detachment + vision loss.
What is optimal basal insulin tx?
Should be peakless, 24 hr duration. Includes Lantus and Novolog
Best tx for hyper and hypo episodes?
If having many episodes of either, do basal/bolus regimen w/ lantus and novolog, shouldn’t have peaks and troughs with this.
How best manage HHS?
1) replinish IV volume w/ fluids, 2)once volume replete start Insulin GGT, 3)Cont drip till Gluc=250.
How manage blood sugars in DKA?
use insulin drip, not SQ
How do xanthomas appear?
yellow, orange, reddish, brown papules, nodules. If on eyelid then xanthelasma
How manage isolated low HDL?
tx with lifestyle modifications. No meds
What is considered HLD?
Total fasting chol>200, LDL goal varies based on risk fx
What are LDL goals?
- 0 - 1 risk fx goal <160
How tx high cholesterol and high TGs?
use fibrates if TG>200 + elevated non HDL cholest.
What is colestipol?
colestipol and cholestyramine are bile binding resins that block absorption leading to decreased LDL
LDL goal if hx of TIA/stroke?
LDL < 100
How diagnose hypothyroidism?
Can diagnose based on labs and sx. Don’t need to ID any stimulating or inhibitory thyroid Ab.
How manage hypoythyroidism in pregnancy?
Need ot do repeated TSH and Total T4, free T4 can be misleading due to increased protein binding lipids in serum.
How tx Graves disease?
atenolol + methimazole. Can also use radioactive I- for first line.
CV si/sx of thyrotoxicosis?
tachy, htn (esp elevated systolic), widened pulse pressure, lid retrxn.
How workup adrenal incidentaloma?
Get plasma metanephrines levels and overnight dexamethasone suppression test.
Diagnostic findings for hyperaldosterone
aldo/renin ratio >20:1
What is stress level dosing of steroids required?
should be 10 x normal dose
When is pneumococcal vacc indicated?
use when 65 or older. Give second shot 5 years after.
When do DEXA scan?
Indicated in all WOMEN > =65 y/o. Can do earlier if high risk.
How tx osteoporosis?
first do oral bisphosphonates. If cannot tolerate due to pill esophagitis can do IV zolendronate shots.
What is raloxifene?
Selective Estrogen Receptor modulator.
Cause of meningitis in neonates?
GBS, Listeria, E coli
Cause of meningitis in 3mo-18 y/o?
N. mening, Strept pneumo, H. influe
Cause of meningitis in adults (<50)?
Strept Pneumo, N. mening, H. influ
Cause of meningitis in elderly?
S. pneumo, N. mening, L. monocytogenes
Cause of meningitis in immunocomp?
L. mono, G- rods, S. pneumo
How tx meningitis?
Begin ABX immediately after LP findings. Tx empirically until can narrow based on gram stain. Also use steroids if concerned about swelling.
Close contacts receive what for meningitis?
Get dose of rocephin or rifampin
Usual cause of encephalitis?
Usually viral: arbovirus (Eastern Equine, West Nile) Enterov, polio. Can also be non viral- toxo, cerebral aspergillosis
CD4 count at risk for toxo?
If CD4 < 200
How dx viral enceph?
LP for CSF - > leukocytosis, can do PCR for viral DNA, MRI to r/o masses, frontotemporal enhancement as seen in HSV
How diff types of viral Hep xmitted?
A & E xmitted fecal-oral, B is parenteral or sexual, C is parenteral, D requires BsAg.