uworld 8 Flashcards
how does svr macrocytifc anemia px?
dyspnea, fatigue, generalized weakness, can occur w/ chronic hemolysis
How does splenic sequestriation px w/ sickle cell disease?
sudden and rapid fall in Hgb
How does BPH px?
incrsd fequency, hesitancy, dribbling, nocturia, enlarged smooth prostate
What is pathogen of HIT type 2?
heparin binding to platelet factor 4, IgG ab binds to complex leading to platelet activation and consumption + incrsd risk thrombosis
Si/sx of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis?
get upper and LMN lesions, get atrophy bulbar signs, muscle weakness (distal > prox), hyperreflexia, spsasticity, fasciculations
CV risk w/ marfan sydnrome?
incrsd risk of aortic dilation, regurg, dissection, MVP.
What is an orthostatic proteinuria test?
obtain daytime (upright) and nighttime (supine) urine collections for protein quantificiation
What drugs most notorious for tubulointerstitial nephritis?
beta lactam ABX
How w/u persistent isolated hematuria?
Needs cystoscopy to ID cause, will likely also require kidney U/S
What suggests nonglomerular hematuria?
if RBCs of nml morphology on UA w no RBC casts or proteinuria
Risk fx for GU cancers?
smoking, male, >50 y/o, exposure to benzene, radiation, cyclophosphamide
How does ETOH cause rhabdo?
causes hypophosphatemia leading to muscle wasting
How would bladder outlet obstrxn px?
type men w/ difficulties w/ flow, px w/ poor UOP, suprapubic pain, hydronephrosis on kidney U/S
Si/sx of prerenal azotemia?
hypotension, hypoNa, dcrsd Urinary Na, bland urinary sediment.
How does tumor lysis px? How manage?
hyperuricemia, hyperphosphatemia, hyperkalemia. Give allopurinol or rasburicase
What is critical management in pt w/ CKD?
most closely mange bp, target <125/75
When is dialysis indicated?
Uncontrolled hyperK, refract hypervolemia, or AMS, uremic pericarditis, bleeding due to uremic platelets.
Which is better kidney xplant or dialysis?
Best to attempt kidney transplant.
How long does it take to get DM nephropathy?
usually 5-10 yrs of uncontrolled DM, also commonly occurs w/ diabetic retinopathy
Result of CKD on calcium homeostasis?
get incrs in phosphorous and dcrs in 1,25 vit D — > dcrs in Ca and incrs in PTH
How calculate urine anion gap?
(Ur Na + Ur K) - Ur Cl. Nml is 30-50
If abnml UAG?
if lrge, neg UAG then likely metabolic acidosis of extrarenal origin w.out gap
What is expected relation btwn PCO2 and bicarb?
For each 1 meq incrs in bicarb, should have 0.7 mmHg incrs in PCO2. BIcarb will incrs by 1 meq for each 10 mmhg incrs in PCO2
What is eqtn for plasma osmolality?
2(Na) + (BUN/2.8) + (Gluc/18)
ECG signs of hyperK?
spiked T waves & widened QRS
What is affect of villous adenoma on lytes?
causes hypokalemia
What is acute pancreatitis affect on Ca?
Dcrsd serum Ca due to chelation w/ FFA released by panc enzymes that get into peritoneum due to panc necrosis
How tx hypercalcemia 2/2 sarcoidosis?
Incrs serum Ca due to incrsd prodxn of 1a hydroxylase by macroph. — Incrsd 1,25 vit D. tx w/ corticosteroids
What is cinacalcet and when used?
parathyroid Ca sensing receptor blocker. Used in secondary hyperPTH
What are nml phosphorous levels?
2.5-4.5 mg/dl
What is issue w/ phosphorous in chronic alcoholic?
once receive tx (insulin + gluc), phos shifts into cells exposing deficit in body stores
How does hypophosphatemia px?
If acute — confusion, rhabdo, hemolytic anemia, svr muscle weakness
How does trousseau’s syndrome present?
Migratory superficial thrombophletbitis — single or multiple tender, erythematous and palpable cord like veins.
If develop troussea’s?
Should begin work up to determine if visceral tumor present
Cause of Meniere’s disease?
Due to distention of endolymphatic compartment of inner ear. Triggered by ETOH, caffeine, nicotine, salt. Managed initially w/ salt restriction.
How meniere’s disease px?
vertigo x 20 min/ episode, hearing loss, tinnitus. May have postural instability/ vomiting w/ nystagmus
What is hypertrophic osteoarthropathy?
digital clubbing occurs w/ sudden onset arthropathy esp in wrist and hand joints. Can be assoc w/ lung cancer, TB, bronchiectasis, emphysema.
Who likely to get diarrhea due to shigella?
DAy care centers and other institutions.
Likely cause of yersinia enterocolitica?
eating undercooked pork
Most common cause of campylobacter infxn? How px?
eating undercooked poultry, px w/ watery/bloody diarrhea + svr ab pain.
Findings w/ OA?
involves DIP more than PIP, MCP — px w/ shortening joint space, osteophytes
CAuse and px of foot drop?
2/2 trauma to common peroneal n. or radiculopathy to nay of spinal roots (L4-S2), px w. steppage gate (high stepping w/ exaggerated flex of hip + knee since cannot dorsiflex foot)
What are indications for lipid lowering tx?
If hx of ACS/MI, angina, past revasc, PAD — do statin tx. If LDL>/= 190 — statin tx, if 40-75 y.o w/ dm then likely need statin.
How manage PAD?
- if intermittent claudication, start w/ graded exercise program. Reduce other CV risk fx (dm, htn).
- DO antiplatelet to dcrs risk of MI, stroke, etc.
What is common side effect w. Ca channel blockers?
can get peripheral edema — due to peripheral vasodilation.
How manage asx, mild hyperCa (<12)
avoid thiazides and lithium.
How manage moderate hyperCa (>14) or sx hyperCa
short tx w/ NS + calcitonin, avoid loops unless volume overloaded. Long term tx w. zolendronate
Mechanism of nitrates as tx for angina?
Vasodilate capacitance vessels (veins), dcrs preload leading to dcrs contraction of ventricles and dcrs myocardial ox demand.
CAuse of progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy?
Due to reactivation of JC virus in AIDS pts
Px of PML in AIDS pts?
involvement of cortical white matter, gradual onset of sx w. hemiparesis, speech, vision, gout probs, non-enhancing demyelin lesions on MRI
CSF findings w/ GBS? How tx?
high protein w/ no other abnormalities. Tx w/ supportive care, IVIG, plasmapharesis
How does rotator cuff impingement px?
pain during reaching or lifting arm above head, usualyl due to repetitive movement. Confirm w/ Neers test
How does adhesive capsulitis px?
similar px as rotator cuff tendinitis except pain will not relent w/ lidocaine injxn.
When do CEA?
If asx, obstrxn >70%, good 5 year survivaal, and accessible stenosis site. Aspirin only prevents further wrosening, once significant blockage, aspirin has no benefit.