UW1 Flashcards
+DIPs +morning stiffness +nail erosions/involvement +SAUSAGE Digits
Dx? Tx? Other shit?
+pencil in cup deformity on hand xray, psoriasis plaques
==>Psoriatic Arthritis!
Tx: NSAIDs +/- methotrexate
Female patient with increasing weakness, clear lungs but SOB + using accessory muscles to breath, +difficulty eating/swallowing food
Dx? Tx?
MYASTHENIC CRISIS = usually follows Physio stress and can be an early manifestation of MG
Tx: intubation + IVIG + steroids
Patient post-cardiac cath w/red-blue blotchy feet + sx of pancreatitis +AKI
Dx? Tx?
Cholesterol Embolism
Tx: supportive care
Red-blue blotchy skin = livedo reticularis
Parkinsons v Alzheimers v LB Dementia
Early parkinson tremors?
Parkinsons v Alzheimers v LB Dementia
Park and Alz dont have this
Parkinsons v Alzheimers v LB Dementia
Fluctuating Cog. Impairment?
Others are slow and insidious and do not wax and wane
Parkinsons v Alzheimers v LB Dementia
Late dementia?
Alz + LBD both have early onset dementia
Diabetic w/sudden loss of vision +floating debri in eye +difficult to see fundus +dark red glow on exam
Dx? Tx?
Vitreous Hemorrhage!
Tx: conservative
Contact wearer with painful red eye + yellow discharge +ulceration of cornea +hazy color over lens
Dx? Tx? MCC?
Contact Lens Keratitis! MCC: Pseudomonas & Serratia
Tx: remove lens & give Abx
> 250 CSF opening pressure, NV HA in the morning. all other CSF values are normal. dx? causes?
Idiopathic Intracranial HTN!
- may be worse when laying flat.
causes: tetracyclines(mino, doxy), Vitamin A + derivitives(isoretinoin=acne tx)
What is LAP? when will you see this elevated? when will you not?
Leukamoid Alkaline Phosphate
*elevated with infections but will not be elevated with CML
What is a QTc? What does this tell u?
Corrected QT interval! this tells you if shit is torsades or not
What will you see with Choroidal Rupture?
hx of blunt ocular trauma, central scotoma(LOV), retinal edema, hemidetachment, cresent shaped streak + blurred vision
painless loss of vision, optic disc pallor, cherry red fova. dx?
Central Retinal Artery Occlusion
40-70 yoa, flashes of light, floaters, Curtin being pulled over eyes, gray retina. dx?
Retinal Detachment
Elderly person who is immuno comp. F, Malaise. Burning, itching, periobitall + cutaneous rash on 1st division of CN5, decreased vision + conjuntivitis + “Dendriform Corneal Ulcers”. dx? tx?
herpes zoster ophthalmicus
tx: acyclovir
Whats the big difference between HSV keratitis and Herpes Opthalimicus?
HSV will have pain + photophobia + decreased vsion + Dedritic Ulcers + vesicles but NO SYTEMIC SIGNS.
HZO:Elderly person who is immuno comp. F, Malaise. Burning, itching, periobitall + cutaneous rash on 1st division of CN5, decreased vision + conjuntivitis + “Dendriform Corneal Ulcers”.
Stool Osmotic Gap. What will this look like with Secretory vs Osmotic diarrhea?
secretory = decreased gap bc anions in serum are being secreted into GI
Osmotic = increased bc GI isnt absorbing shit and instead is pulling water out.
NS = ?
45 yo male w/arm weakness, now has trouble swalling + chewing. Some M stiffness, sensory ok. Fasciculations, Hyperreflexia, decrased bulbar reflexes. dx?
Fasciculations = LMN defect
Hyperrefelxia = UMN defect
sensory ok! M impaired = ALS!
Pt in house fire + seizure otw to hosp. Pulse ox reading 96% tx?
GIVE 100% O2! pulse ox cannot differentiate between CarboxyHg & reg Hg!
Older lady w/recent onset of Hirsutism. What test shoudl you look at?
older lady w/hirsutism +- virilization = think an androgen tumor!
==>check testosterone & DHEA
*Test>DHEA = ovarian tumor
Young lady w/oligoovulation, virulization, hirsutism. dx? tests?
PCOS! Look for LH>FSH = excess testosterone from theca cells
Pt gets blood transfusion then goes into anaphylaxis + hypotension, angioedema, difficulty breathing. dx? tx?
IgA deficiency, give Epi + support
pt gets blood transfusion then develops fever, chills within 6hr dx?
Acute non-hemolytic ABO mismatch
pt gets blood transfusions then develops F, Flank Pain, DIC, RF w/in an hr. tx?
Acute Hemolytic ABO mismatch.
+/- hemoglobinemia +coombs +pink plasma
tx w/IVF + Support
pt playing soccer & hears pop in knee. Presents to ER w/swollen knee w/blood aspirate dx?
ACL tear = they will bleed!
Osteomalacia cause?
def in vita D resulting in impaired osteoid matrix mineralization
SVT criteria? tx?
> 150bpm + P &Twaves blend into one another on ECG, Narrow QRS
tx: carotid massage, ice on head, Adenosine >Verampil
TCA OD sx? tx?
3 C’s of overdose: Convulsions, Coma, Cardiotoxicity (arrhythmias)
*respiratory depression, hyperpyrexia, urinary retension, dilated pupils, hyperthermia, intestinal ileus, increased QRS`
Rx for overdose = NaHCO3
why can you use mesalamine for UC but not crohns?
bc its a 5ASA compount that is release in the rectum. but crohns can be anywhere so its not good for that but UC always involves the rectum.
elevated Ca, Elevated PTH and dec P(all mild) w/no sx. how would you dx?
Familial hypocalciuric hypercalcemia. dx w/urine Ca levels.
*should see high Ca in serum and low Ca in urine
Pt with sudden onset of bilateral eye redness, eyelid swelling, watery discharge but no change in vision, normal pupils, bilateral conjunctival injection + granular appearance of conjunctiva. + history of asthma or other atopy. Dx?
Allergic conjunctivitis
Viral Conjunctivits vs Bacterial Conjunctivitis
Viral: bilateral > unilat, watery, itchy, preauricular andopathy, no tx, bumpy eyelid
bacterial: unilat >bilat, purulent, no adenopathy, tx w/abx
Old lady w/slow decrease in vision + distortion of straight lines. dx?
macular deveneration! usually central loss of vision + “Drusen Spots”
tx w/ VEGF inhibitor
adult w/3 episodes of pneumonia over the last 3 years, blood diarrhea 6m ago. severe sinusitis a year ago. presents now w/cough + sob + fine crackles over right lower lung. HIV -. dx? tx?
Common Variable Immunodeficiency! = recurrent sinopulmonary infections in adults(bronchitis, pneumonia, sinusitis, otitis media)+/- Giardiasis, Sprue, Anemia due to decrease B cells production of IgGAM.
tx: tx infection + give regular Ig infusions
Person keeps getting skin infections…whats the most likely dx
Hyper IgE syndrome
kid w/immunodeficiency = gets sick alot + thrombocytopenia & Eczema. dx? tx?
Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome = Tcell deficiency!
(WATER = Wis-Aldrich Thrombo, Eczema, Recurrnet infec)
tx: bone marrow transplant
child w/sinopulmonary infections alot w/ absence or decreased of the tonsils, adenoids, lymph noes and or spleen. dx? tx?
Xlinked agammaglobulinemia(burton)
tx: long term IVIG
Dude got stabbed on R side of body @T8. What sx would you see? what is this?
Brown-Sequard Sx = No motor on Right extremity(crosses in pyramid/medulla), no Pro,Vib, Light Touch on R @ level of lesion, loss of PIT on Lside just below that so like T10ish.
Dude in high speed motor cycle accident who now has bilateral lower extremity weakness + loss of PIT but Pro,vib & light touch are fine. what caused this?
Anterior cord syndrome! = spares dorsal columns
Nerve involved in carpal tunnel syndrome? tunnel name? fingers?
Median Nerve over radius bone = thumb +pointer finger, transverse carpal ligament
Describe Tophaceous Gout
pt with multiple white/fleshy(looks liek white chaulk under skin) nodules in hands w/painful arthritis.
What type of hemorrage will give you left sided hemineglect?
right parietal lobar hemorrhage
MC sights for HTN intraparenchymal hemorrhage?
BG(putamen) > cerebellar nuclei > thalamus > pons >cerebral cortex
Pt w/high hematocrit + recurrent epistaxis + ruby colored papules on his lips that blanch w/pressure. dx?
Hereditary Telangiectasias(Osler-Weber-Rendu Syndrome) = widespread AV malformations that causes blood shunting from R–>L = hypoxia & chronic reactive Polycythemia.
62 yo Pt with sudden onset photophobia, NV, severe HA + pain, redness & conjunctival flushing in one eye w/nonreactive mid-dilated pupil. dx? tx?
Acute Angle closure glaucoma = dx w/Tonometry(measure IOP)
tx: iridotomy, IV acetazolamide, mannitol or Pilocarpine drops ASAP
female patient with chronic musculoskeletal pain and tenderness with TRIGGER POINTS, occuring at many sites(neck, shoulders, back and hips). dx? tx?
tx: regular aerobic exercise > SSRI > TCA
CYP Activators(7)
- Rifampicin
- Alcohol
- Phenytoin
- Griseofulvin
- Pheobarbitone
- Sulphonylureas
- carbemazepines
CYP Inhibitors(11)
- Isoniazid
- Cimetidine
- Ketoconazole
- Erythromycin
- Sulfonamide
- Ciprofloxacin
- Omeprazole
- Metronidazole
- Grapefruit juice
- Sodium valproate
- Fluconazole