USA Unit 1(0.9) Flashcards
What impact did WWII have on the US economy?
-By 1945 the US produced 45% of the world’s arms, built 2/3’s of the worlds ships and made half of the worlds goods.
-US cities did not suffer bomb damage. There was full employment, including for many women who were well paid.
What political wing shot in popularity during WWII?
Who won the election?
-The electorate swung to the Right.
-Roosevelt won the election but not by a convincing majority.
-By 1946 the Republican party controlled both houses of Congress.
How many US soldiers died in WWII?
How many men did the US mobilise?
What did the US emerge as after the War?
-292,000 US deaths.
-Over 12 million men were mobilised.
-The USA emerged as the strongest and wealthiest world power. It was the only country to have atomic weapons, which it used to end war with Japan bombing Nagaski and Hiroshima.
What did many people want to return to after WWII?
Who did the US give $400,000,000 to so that they would not fall to communism?
-Isolationism, they were not convinced about Soviet threat.
-Congress favve $400,000,000 to Greece and Turkey to prevent their fall to communism.
What was Marshall aid(1947)?
Marshall Aid:
-To help Europeans
-To promote Europe economically so that Europeans would buy American goods.
-To stop poverty-struck Europe adopting Communism.
What was the CIA given authority to do in 1948? Were Americans in support of Marshall aid? Who’s doctrine did American’s agree with?
-Mount covert operations against Communists.
-Although opposed by some Republicans, many supported Marshall aid.
-American’s were also in support of Truman’s doctrine that Stalin had to be deterred and were suspicious of communist infiltration in gov’t.
What did Truman’s election win in 1948 suggest?
-Although many attribute this to the economic feel good factor.
-Truman’s success also suggests that most Americans supported his tough stance against Communism both abroad and at home.
What role did the US take on abroad?
Was the US successful in this role in Europe?
-A world policeman’s role in its effort to contain Communism.
-1948, the USSR blockaded West Berlin. Truman stood firm organising a massive air lift to provide Berliners with 13,000 tons of goods per day. Stalin lifted the blockade in 1949.
-1949, the NATO alliance was formed.
Was the US successful against Communism in Asia?
What was the loss of China evidence of?
-Less successful than in Europe. The loss of China to Communists in 1949 was a serious set back, damaging Truman’s reputation as a Cold War warrior.
-To many Americans losing China was evidence that the State department were riddled with Communist spies.
Was the Korean War a success?
What was the domestic impact of the Korean war?
What ideology was at it’s height during the war despite Republican support?
-1950-53, the USA successfully defended South Korea from North Korea and Chinese aggression. 33,000 Americans died.
-Most believed that Communists were the aggressors and the USA were fighting a ‘just war’.
-McCarthyism was at its height during the Korean War.
Which president benefitted politically from the Korean War? Why?
-Eisenhower benefitted from the war politically. He was a WWII hero, seemed the right man to lead. He declared in his campaign he would go to Korea and end the war.
-The war did end shortly after he came to power, the Chinese believed he would use nuclear weapons.
-As he secured peace his presidency began well.
What president brought the US into Vietnam?
Which president would receive blame most of the blame? Why?
-President Kennedy brought the US into Vietnam(1963)
-Johnson had to introduce the draft to ensure he had sufficient forces.
-As more Americans died opposition grew.
What impact did Media have in the Vietnam War?
-Television coverage caused stronger anti-war feelings.
-Reporters brought suffering, destruction and the horrors of the war into American living rooms.
Where did many anti-war protests begin?
What did anti-war movements merge with?
-Universities, 1968 there were over 221 major demonstrations at over 100 universities.
-The anti-war movement merged with other radical forms of protest- civil rights, women’s rights, and counter culture.
How did Johnson’s popularity impact the 1968 election?
What did Nixon imply making him favourable to the silent majority?
-Johnson chose not to run due to him being unpopular. Kennedy’s brother ran an anti-war platform but his assassination ensured Humphrey won the Democrat nomination.
-Nixon implied in his campaign he knew how to win the war. His success suggested that the ‘silent majority’ supported the war.
What did Nixon do that appeased the anti war movement?
What invasion briefly revived the anti-war movement?
Which university were 4 students killed by national guardsmen during protests?
-Withdrew soldiers from Vietnam. Steadily reducing the USA’s commitment to South Vietnam.
-Nixon’s invasion in Cambodia briefly revived the anti-war movement.
-4 students were killed protesting at Kent state university.
After winning the 1972 election what did Nixon promise to do?
What were the results of the war in Vietnam?
-1973 Nixon promised to end all US combat activities in Indo-China.
-The war resulted in North Vietnamese soliders overrunning South Vietnam and uniting both parts.
-Recogniseda as the most disastrust US war and had damaged the US socially, economically and morally.
-Defeat undermined American confidence.