Usa Topic 5 - Social Change Flashcards
Describe the changes the music in the 1950s
-birth of rock ‘n’ roll music which gave teenagers music to listen to
- Elvis Presley erupted onto the scene in 1956 with songs such as hound dog
- Parents dislike the music
Describe the changes in music in the 1960s
- Beatles and Rolling Stones for influential British groups
- The Beach Boys gain popularity reflected a southern California youth culture of car surfing and Romance
- Parents believe rock and roll music encouraged teenage crime
Describe the change the music between 1970 and 2000
- Rap and hip-hop music developed as a product of inner city problems with artists such as Jay-Z becoming popular 
- Disco performer such a Bee Gees became very popular
- Bruce Springsteen became popular as he focused on the struggles of ordinary people
Why did cinema become less popular during the interwar years
Due to the growing influence of television
What did average cinema attendances fall to from 1946 to 1956
From 90 million to 47 million 
What are drive-ins
A large car park with cinema screens that first opened in the 1930s and became popular in the 1950s and 60s
What were multiplexes
Made up of two side-by-side theatres and first opened in 1963
What was an anti-hero
The main character who lacked traditional heroic qualities
Rose in 1940s and 50s
Played by Marlon Brando
What were Blockbusters
Emerged in 1970s
Examples of Jaws by Spielberg and Star Wars by Lucas
What percent of households had a television by 1970
What was the average amount of television watch by family each day
Six hours
Why did the ‘Western’ film become popular
Showed that idealised American west of the 19 century
Why did the sale of computers increase
Due to the competition between Apple and Microsoft
When was windows launched
What is the impact of Windows 98
It included the Microsoft browser which enabled Bill Gates to take advantage of the large growth of the Internet
Who developed the first modern game console
Nintendo in the 1980s and named it NES
What was the impact of the development of technology on US society
More leisure time of the younger generation was taken up by Internet and gaming not an active lifestyle
What was the great American novel
A quest to write a novel defining the meaning of being American
What are examples of the great American novel
- To kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee which focused on racial inequality and rape
- Rabbit run by John Updike focused on changes in middle-class
What was counterculture
Challenge the traditional conservation of American society
What are examples of counterculture
Feminine mystique by Betty Friedan which challenged the traditional role of women
Invisible man by Ralph Ellison highlighted the racial tension in the north
What were the changes in youth culture in the 1950s 
There was an emergence of teenage rebellion
What was teenage rebellion caused by
Young people having more money due to increasing affluence
Fear of nuclear war male teenagers wanted to enjoy ‘today’
What was the effect of youth counterculture
-  Use of illegal drugs increased
- Hair was grown longer and beards became common
- Greater sexual freedom due to contraceptive pill
What was the hippy movement
- Some young people protested by ‘dropping out’ of society develop an alternative lifestyle
- The use of drugs cause conflict with the police they labelled as ‘pigs’
Why does students become involved in student protest
To become involved in the civil rights movement and campaign great freedom of speech and opposing the conflict in Vietnam
Why did many students oppose being drafted into the war
Because casualties grew to 14,000 in 1968
What was the SDS
A student protest group set up in 1959 by Tom Hayden to give students a greater say in how courses should be run
How many women were Employed by 1945
18. 5 million
What was the attitude of most employed women after the war
Most women wanted to give up their wartime job to return as mothers and wives
How did the role of women change during the 1950s 
A growing number of women began to challenge their traditional role as they became frustrated with being housewives
1.3 million women were at university by 1960
How did Roosevelt contribute to the development of women in the 1960s
She made a commission to investigate woman at work and the report showed only 50 to 60% of women were paid the same as men doing the same job
How did Betty Friedan contribute to the development of the role of women in the 1960s
She encouraged women to progress and campaign for employment opportunities
What was NOW
An organisation set up in 1966 by freedom to challenge discrimination in court unsecured US$30 million in backpay owed to women between 1966 to 1971
What was the woman’s liberation movement 
A movement with more radical aims them NOW and wanted all signs of male supremacy to be removed
What was the 1963 equal pay act 
Required employees to pay women the same as men for the same job