USA HISTORY Topic 2 Flashcards
what is plessy vs Ferguson and when
1896 it ruled the segregation was constitutional if it was separate but fair
what was brown vs the board of education and when
1954 ruled that segregation was now unconstitutional all states must remove it from there leglislation
what was beneficial to black civil rights
the new deal, gave over 1,000,000 jobs to the majortity poor black population
what is the NAACP
it stands for the
- set up in 1909
- aims was to promote black equality through legal challanges
smith vs allwright
1944 sumpreme court made it easier for blacks in the south to vote
what is core
1942 established by james farmer
- would be more militant
- sit ins at resturants
-freedom rides to ensure de segregation
which president sent federal troops to little rock arkansas
what where the civil rights acts and when where they past
what is the SCLC
southern christian leadership conference established 1957 by MLK
use of non violent protest
how did Kennedy help civil rigts in 1962
supported his brother Robert Kennedy the attorney general to de segregate transport and facilities
- supported 1963 civil rights bill which got bogged down in congress
what happened to civil rights in 1964
LBJ pushed civil rights bill through congress
civil rights bill of 1964
- equal employment comminsion
- ensure desegregation of school
- outlawed segregation of public facilities
-strengthened black voting rights
what was LBJs main consern
war on poverty indirectly helped black pepoloe
northern riots
1964 northern cites expeianced riots
1965 LA experianced riots with 34 dead and 900 injured
1967 43 dead in Detroit
this was in response to de facto segregation in the north
who was MALCOLM X
he was a radical black civil right activists
- was a preacher for the nation of Islam which believed black people should be separate and form an american nation for only black pepole in the south
- he left the NOI and was assisnated by a member in 1965
black panther party
founded 1966 by bobby seal and huey newton
they won respect in the community by focusing on slef help
- setting up clinics
-giving advise on leagal and welfare rights aswell as health
When was the stone wall riots
1969 27-28 June
Gay club members confronted the police in order to stop the raid on gay clubs this resulting in mass protest outside confronting the police
What was occupied by Native Americans in Febuary 1973?
AIM occupies the village of Wounded Knee and declares independence as the Oglala Sioux Nation Nation; unlike all other occupations, this time the government resorts to sending in US marshalls and the state pllice; the siege lasts 71 days and AIM only wishdraws once the government agrees to an investigation of its demands and grievances.
How much money was paid out by the Indian Claims Commission between 1946 and 1978?
$800 million dollar paid out by the Indian Claims Commision between 1946 and 1978. Although this was created by Congress independently of Indian activism
indian rstoration act
aimed for native American tribes to regain there homelands
wahat was the AIM
american indian movment aim to seek better treatment of native americans founded 1968 in urban miniapolis to adress poverty and police brutality
by 1971 had 4,5000 members
indian march on whasinghton
1972 lead to the occupation of the burea for indian affairs
Alcatraz occupation when who and why
The Alcatraz Red Power Movement (ARPM) takes over Alcatraz Island (a former US prison) and occupies it until 1971 -
10,000 Indians visited the island during the protest
what did the Delano grape boycott result in
resulted in the UFOW 3 year contract with the growers with better conditions and pay for the workers
voting right sact extention