south africa topic 2 Flashcards
when was harold mac milligans wind of change speech and what did it mean
febuary 1960
- it meant taht britan and europe was losing control of colinies and africa
- it was also meant to critisise apartheid and how britan would not be involved in it
what was the bantustan self governing act 1959
-africans would be put into 8 bantusans areas whyere they would be citzens and banned from going into afrikans cities
they where said to be self governing and based on tribal lands however where used for cheap labour by whites
- these states where not reconised by anyone outside southafrican and even condemed by the un
what was MK
a branch co founded by Mandela of the ANC which was founded in 1961
- they would commit sbotages on goverment property and try to avoid loss of life however moved i to gureilla warfare
when was the rivonia trial dates
October 1963 to June 1964
when was nelson mandela arrested
august 1962
what house was raided by SA and what did they find
-lilies leaf farms 1963
-found 250 documents incrimnating
what was the result of the rivonia trial
- 1963- 1964
- menadeal and other mk members getting found guilty
- nm went to prison for 27 years
sabotage act
-1962 carried out death penalty for acts of sabotage
-gulity till proven innocent
bantu laws education act
allowed deportation of amny African from and white urban or farming area
when did south africa become a republic
october 1960
when did south african leave the commonwelath
1961 after scrutiny from other commonwealth ntions
refuse dipolmats from independent african nations
1960 new zeland tour
rubgy all black excluded mori players
lead to demonstrations in NZ
founded in 1961 june was militant wing of the ANC
what did mk do in december 1961
bombed goverment buildings in durban and port elizebeth
why was mandela arrested
incitment to strike and not carrying a passport