usa civil rights Flashcards
when was brown vs the baord of education
when was brown vs the baord of education
what was borwn vs the board of education
a girk caked linda brown had to walk 2 mies to a segregated shcool
her faher lost the case but appealed it
brown vs board of educaio ==
1954 segregation in schools was illegal
when was little rock
when was little rock
what was little rock
9 students were denied access to a school in arkansas and the governer even got the national gurad to stop them
they took them to court and won
why was little rock mildly significatn
2 million african american kids in america - 2500 of them went to a school with white children
when was rosa parks
dec 1955
what was rosa parks
MONTOGMERY BUSES WERE SGREGATED a white man told rosa parks to move out of her seat and she refused- leading to her arrest
as a result many africna americans boycotted the busienss and it was lead by MLK
johnson civil rights law when
voting rights act johnson what
1965 ensured africna americans coulf vote by banning intereference
MLK how many speeches
in one year - gave 208 speeches
protests lead by MLK
freedom rides - african american people sat in the white only parts of buses 1961
sit ins - african americans sat in white only oarts of restraurants within 18 months 70000 sit ins happende
when were freedom rides and sit ins
what was the nation of islam
wanted seperaism as white society was corrupted and racist lead by malcolm x
who lead nation of islam
malcom x
whenw as black panther party formed
what was black panther party
rejected non violent protest
when was fair housing act
what was fair housing act
banned discirmination in housing
why was the black power movement unsuccessul
by the end of the 60s most movements ran out of moeny
kennedy elected when
successes of the new frontier - civil rights
created the ceeo to ensure that all people emplyed by the federal government were given equal opportunities
stood up to southern poiticians
successes of the new frontier - the ecomony
cut taxes
made 900 millin availabel to new businesses
increased spending on army = more jobs
successes of the new frontier - poverty
raisewd theminimum wage 1 to 1.25
social secruty act
successes of the new frontier - countires
established peace corps who helped less fortunate countires
failures of the new frontier - civil rightys
ceeo helped those WITH jobs
attempted to cancel mlks march on washington
failures of the new frontier - economy
1963 - 4.5 million people unemployed
failures of the new frontier - poverty
congress defeated medicare proposal = nhs
failures of the new frontier - education
no plus funfing for school
when was kennedy assassinated
nov 1963
who came in after kemmedy
why was johnson good
he was osuthern himself so could conneect with less progressive southern policians
succeses of the great society - racism
in 1964 segregation was banned
succeses of the great society - healthcare
medicare for the old and mediaid for the poor
succeses of the great society - economy
rasied minium wage 1.25 to 1,40
failures of the great society - civil rights
riots broke out in 64-8 due to police brutality and mlks assassination
failures of the great society - economy
1968 unemployemnt rose
the frimism mobement - ww2
ww2 6 million women were employed i factories and made half the workforce
stsus commission results stats
95% managers were men
4% women lawyers
7% women doctors
stsus commission results air hostersses
were dismissed for being married
whenw as the feminine mystique published by who
1963 by betty friedan
what was establised for wiwmen
NOW national organistaiton of women by betty fridan 1966-
how many members in a few years
who were in womens liberation movement
younger and more extreme protesters
when was divorce allowed by mutual consent
who opposed NOW
phyllis schlafly
what did phylis schlafly say
womens liberstion would lead to homosexual marriaged and unisex abthrooms and high abortion rated
roe vs was when
roe vs wade what
21 year old jane roe false name - wom her case to have an abortion = the supreme court rule women should have the legal right to have a safe and legal abortion