US Foreign Policy at the Turn of the Century Flashcards
wrote The Influence of Sea Power Upon History primarily of the British Navy, all strong nations have powerful navy
Alfred Thayer Mahan
the league includes Grover Cleveland, Andrew Carnegie, and Samuel Gompers; they do not want to annex any more land, especially Philippines; Mark Twain; William Jennings Bryan; some are this way due to racial issues, while others fear it will take jobs from Americans
gains upper hand for US in the Philippines
Arthur MacArthur
letter is intercepted by journalists and published, huge insult to US
Depuy de Lome
William Howard Taft’s foreign policy helped by Taft; want to exchange money for bullets; big insult to Roosevelt
Dollar Diplomacy
leader of Pilipino rebellion; when Spanish war is over, he declares independence and is extremely betrayed when US annexes; he gathers his rebels and goes to military base on Manila
Emilo Aquinaldo
annexes Puerto Rico; they have no rights
Foraker Act
with Japan, agreement that Japanese will not allow any Japanese adult males to leave for US; in return California must stop discrimination
Gentleman’s Agreement
Roosevelt tells him to seize Manila Bay; quick battle
Roosevelt Dewey
consists of sixteen battleships which go on a global tour, checking on Japan; starts naval race between US and Japan
Great White Fleet
Grover Cleveland
about half way between US and Asia; some Americans had gone to Hawaii as missionaries; Americans think of Hawaii as part as America, even though it’s not; Reciprocity Treaty 1875 signed by US and Hawaii said there would be no taxation on Hawaiian sugar; King Kalakava was made to sign Bayonet Constitution in 1887, letting foreigners vote, Americans allowed to be in legislature, and allows a Naval base Pearl Harbor; McKinley Tariff passed to put huge tariff on Hawaiian sugar which devastates Hawaiian economy in 1890; Queen Liliuokalani 1891 starts movement Hawaii for Hawaiians to try limiting influence of Americans; American Planters form Annexation Club led by Sanford Dole plan to overthrow the queen; she is overthrown in a bloodless coup in 1893; John Stevens had sailors from US Braxton to surround palace to overthrow queen; Gover Cleveland doesn’t want to annex Hawaii; Cleveland sends James Blount into Hawaii to investigate who sends report back to say Hawaii doesn’t want to be annexed; new sugar treaty; annex Hawaii in 1898 due to war
gives US permanent 10 mile wide Canal Zone at the same money; Panamanian delegates so outraged they punched Bunau-Varilla
Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty
says US can make canal on their own as long as it’s open for use to all nations
Hay-Pauncefote Treaty
an unequal human and territorial relationship, usually in the form of an empire, based on ideas of superiority and practices of dominance, and involving the extension of authority and control of one state or people over another
Puerto Rico sues US; Supreme Court rules in favor of Puerto Rico; they do get US citizenship in 1917 and the right to vote for their own government
Insular Cases
wrote the Open Door notes, a series of letters to European asking them to open trade routes and not to play favorites with their own countries traders
John Hay
lead invasion of Mexico to find Pancho Villa; Black Jack Pershing
John J. Pershing
had sailors from US Braxton to surround palace to overthrow Hawiian queen
John L. Stevens