The Crisis of Reconstruction Flashcards
Jacksonian Democrat; military governor of TN during civil war 1862 to 1864; anti-aristocracy, hates aristocracy/planter class in the south; white supremacist and cannot compromise; never gets along with congress; agrees with Lincoln the southern states never legally left the union; proclamations included: oath of allegiance receives pardon with all property restored except slaves, provisional governor of southern states oversaw oaths at state conventions; ratified 13th amendment; all debts/loans forgotten; if property exceeded $20,000 they could not participate in government
Andrew Johnson
granted right to marry, right to sue, right to hold land; rarely allowed black to testify against white; rights denied- no guns, no alcohol, no interracial marriage, beginning of segregation, curfew, limited gathering; could be arrested for not working with punishment of labor or fined
Black Codes
in charge of Democratic Party in New York City; awarded patronage based on kickbacks; reason for most notorious corruption; brought under by New York courthouse; welfare system to immigrants in exchange for democratic votes at elections; his corruption catches him and he is arrested under corruption charges; takes two times to convict him, is sentenced to 13 years but only served a few; want the money back and can’t make bail, flees to Cuba then Spain and is returned to US where he dies in jail
Boss Tweed
northern white who had come to live in the south
when people lost citizenship rights; confederates went under this during congressional radical reconstruction
Civil Disabilities
1866; granted citizenship and the same rights enjoyed by white citizens to all male persons in the United States “without distinction of race or color, or previous condition of slavery or involuntary servitude.”
Civil Rights Act
he leader of the antislavery forces in Massachusetts and a leader of the Radical Republicans in the United States Senate during the American Civil War
Charles Sumner
caused Hayes to win the election 1876
Compromise of 1877
happened to confederate land; it was seized by force
name was used to set up dummy corporation; Union Pacific Railroad set up this front to make money through contracts; build first transcontinental railroad; give cheap stick to members of congress to get subsidies; New York Sun exposes this in 1872 to try to convince people not to elect US Grant; Union Pacific Railroad went bankrupt when people called for loans; Southerners took large hit on this
Credit Mobilier
served as Secretary of War under the Lincoln Administration during most of the American Civil War; Johnson tried to fire; violated tenure of office act
Edwin Stanton
Republican US Grant who has no political experience, but was a general; Democrat Horatio Seymour was governor of NY with militant platform, want southern votes, say reconstruction is usurp of power and want to end freedmen’s bureau; the klan is keeping people out of polls; grant wins 214 to 80
Election of 1868
opposed 15th amendment; helped head the Women’s Suffrage Movement
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Irish who are making trouble on Canadian border; angry Britain is occupying Ireland
ratified by states in 1870; the right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude; The Congress has power to enforce this
Fifteenth Amendment
are laws passed by congress to help break power of klan to help people vote and protect black voters; not very successful
Force (Enforcement) Acts of 1870 & 1871
1865 was officially called Bureau of Refugees, Freedman, and Abandoned Lands; many former northern abolitionists risked their lives to help southern freedmen; Johnson tried to cut funds and get rid of it; south saw freedmen’s bureau as teaching freedmen to become lazy
Freedmen’s Bureau Bill
democrat runner in 1872 election; lost to US Grant
Horace Greeley
democratic candidate for 1868; was governor of NY with militant platform; wants southern votes; says reconstruction is usurp of power; wants to end freedmen’s bureau
Horatio Seymore
to charge a serving government official with serious misconduct while in office