Urology/renal Flashcards
hydrocele vs epidermal cyst?
epidermal cyst - separate from the body of the testicle + found posterior to the testicle
do NOT transilluminate
hydrocele - in tunica vaginalis - soft, non-tender swelling of the hemi-scrotum. Usually anterior to and below the testicle. Can get above it unlike a hernia
What cancer is a varicocele associated with?
How long can it take finasteride to work?
5 alpha-reductase inhibitors
Reduce testosterone conversion –> reduce prostate size
take up to 6m to work
What bloods results would you see with rhabdomyolysis?
Hyper K, PO4, uric acid, CK
Hypo Ca
What medical mx can be given for renal stones (not pain relief)?
Alpha-adrenergic blockers eg tamsulosin can help facilitate stone passage. They work by relaxing the smooth muscle in the walls of the ureter, thereby allowing the stone to pass more easily, used if 5-10mm size
most common causitive agent in <20 yrs for epeidiy-morchitis vs >35?
chlamydia <20
e.coli >35
How do you diagnose post-strep glomerulonephritis?
Anti-streptolysin O titres
How is stress incontinence mx?
Lifestyle - wt loss, no caffeine, no excess fluids
pelvic floor exercises
duloxetine/ SNRI
What diet do u follow in renal failure
Patients with renal failure are advised to adopt a diet which has low stuff so kidney filters less
Low protein
Low phosphate
Low sodium
Low potassium
Different stages of CKD?
stage 1 - egfr >90 + markers of kidney damage (proteinuria or raised cr/ urea)
stage 2 - ecgfr 60-90 + markers of kidney damage
stage 3a- eGFR 45-59 with or without kidney damage
stage 3b- eGFR 30-44
Overflow incontinence vs urge vs overactive bladder vs stress?
over flow incontinence LUTS + bladder palpable- can be caused by prostate, foecal impaction or nerve damage (treat underlying cause and cathterise)
Urge incontinence would be preceded by a sudden need to urinate.
An overactive bladder syndrome is a form of urge incontinence caused by an overactive bladder, it too would be associated with incontinence, polyuria and nocturia. Detrusor overactivity is the cause. (treat with bladder trining, antimuscarinics etc)
Stress incontinence would be likely associated with raised intraabdominal pressure, such as a sneeze or a cough. (pelvic floor training, then try duloxetine/ srgery)
What is schistosoma infection linked to?
developing squamous cell carcinoma of the bladder.
How do the results for urine osmalility and sodium look for pre-renal vs renal AKI?
pre-renal ie poor perfusion of kidney –> Kidneys act to concentrate urine and retain sodium - urine osmolality high, urine sodium low
Renal ie acute tubular necrosis / nephritis —> Kidneys can no longer concentrate urine or retain sodium - urine osmolality low, urine sodium high
In a patient with recurrent renal stones due to hypercalcuira how may risk be reduced?
thiazide diuretics
Mx of epidimyo-orchitis?
If unknown organism: ceftriaxone 500mg intramuscularly single dose, plus oral doxycycline 100mg twice daily for 10-14 days if younger man where STI more likely cause
cipro used if older man