sexual health Flashcards
What are the most common types of HPV? which types are linked to cervical cancer?
Most common: Types 6 and 11 are responsible for 90% of genital warts cases
Link to cancer: 16,18 & 33 predisposes to cervical cancer.
How often are women with HIV meant to have smears?
What is chancroid?
Tropical disease (Haemophilus ducrey)
Chancroid presents as a deep, painful genital ulcer and is often associated with inguinal lymphadenopathy.
What is the treatment for genital warts?
multiple, non-keratinised warts: topical podophyllum
solitary, keratinised warts: cryotherapy
How is HIV diagnosed?
combination tests (HIV p24 antigen (present in early disease) and HIV antibody (presnt usually from 6weeks)) are now standard for the diagnosis and screening of HIV
Bacterial cause of most BV?
Gardnerella vaginalis
BV vs trichomonas? Mx?
Trichomonas vaginalis - offensive ‘musty’, frothy, green vaginal, strawberry cervix
BV- thin, white discharge
clue cells on microscopy
vaginal pH > 4.5
positive whiff test - fishy when add potassium hydroxide
PO metronidazole
Gonorrhoea mx
IM ceftriaxone
What are the different options for emergency contraception? How would u decide one vs another?
copper coil - 1st line - CI if STI or after 5 days post coital. If pt wants it removed after - take out at next period
Levonorgestrel - can be used up to 72 hrs post coital
Ulipristal - used up to 120 hrs post coital. CI in severe asthma
When is PEP given?
Within 72 hrs of exposure, the sooner the more effective
Levonorgestrel vs ullipristal as emergency contraception?
must be taken in 72 hrs
can take normal contraception straight away
the dose should be doubled for those with a BMI >26 or weight over 70kg
dose should also be doubled if taking enzyme-inducing drugs (although a copper IUD as emergency contraception is preferable in this situation)
if vomiting occurs within 3 hours then the dose should be repeated
must be taken in 120 hrs
normal contraception wont work for 5 days after
Have to pause breastfeeding
CI in severe asthma eg PO steroids
Both can be used more than once in the same menstrual cycle
How far back do you need to notify partners if u are pos for chlamydia?
Chlamydia - partner notification:
symptomatic men: all partners from the 4 weeks prior to the onset of symptoms
women + asymptomatic men: all partners from the last 6 months or the most recent sexual partner
Absolute CI of COCP
Absolute contra-indications for the combined oral contraceptive pill (category 4) include:
Migraine with aura
Breastfeeding <6 weeks post-partum
Age 35 or over smoking 15 or more cigarettes/day
Systolic 160mmHg or diastolic 95mmHg
Vascular disease
History of VTE
Current VTE (on anticoagulants)
Major surgery with prolonged immobilisation
Known thrombogenic mutations
Current and history of ischaemic heart disease
Stroke (including TIA)
Complicated valvular and congenital heart disease
Current breast cancer
Other vascular disease
Severe (decompensated) cirrhosis
Hepatocellular adenoma
Raynaud’s disease with lupus anticoagulant
Positive antiphospholipid antibodies
When can you restart COCP post birth? What about if breastfeeding?
The COCP should not be used in the first 21 days due to the increased venous thromboembolism risk post-partum
6 weeks if breastfeeding
How do the different contraceptive work?
All inhibit ovulation, except:
- POP: thickens cervical mucus (Exception to this is desogestrel POP which inhibits ovulation)
- IUD copper: kills sperm
- IUS: prevents endometrial proliferation (get amenorrhea with this)