Urogenital Traingle Flashcards
Describe the crura in males and females
Crura lie next to the ischiopubic rami
In females they form the body of the clitoris
In males they continue into the penis as the corpora cavernosa
What is the innervation of the bulbospongiosus and ischiocavernosus muscles?
Perineal branches of the pudendal nerve
What is the role of the urogenital diaphragm?
Prevents structures from passing out of the pelvic cavity or prolapsing
Provides an area of attachment for structures of the superficial perineal pouch
Describe Colle’s fascia in the pelvis
It attaches to the posterior border of the urogenital diaphragm at a small piece of connective tissue called the perineal body
In females Colle’s passes into the labia and in males it passes into the scrotum
What is usually the narrowest part of the male urethra?
Membranous part - the urethra is slightly compressed here as it passes through the layers of the urogenital diaphragm
Describe Camper’s fascia in relation to the pelvis?
The fatty camper’s fascia continues into the pelvis where it is continuous with the ischiorectal fossa and thigh
In what layer of the urogenital diaphragm would you find the deep perineal pouch?
An anatomical space found in the middle layer
The Scarpa’s fascia of the abdominal wall continues into the pelvis. What is the name of the fascia in the pelvis?
Colle’s fascia
What is the blood supply and sensory innervation to the clitoris?
Blood supply = branches of internal pudendal artery
Innervation = branches of pudendal nerve
Where is the superficial perineal pouch in terms of the urogenital diaphragm?
Between the superficial layer and the skin
What are the erectile tissues?
The crura
The bulb of the penis in males
The bulb of the vestibule in females
Describe the bulb of the penis
Continues as the corpus spongiosum which then forms the glans penis
In Male’s, what is camper’s fascia replaced by in the scrotum?
The dartos muscle
What are the 3 layers of the urogenital diaphragm?
Superior layer - composed of fascia and blends with the perineal body
Middle layer - contains sphincter that controls urination. Contains sphincter urethrae and transverse perineal muscles
Inferior/superficial layer - layer of perineal membrane
What is the arterial and nerve supply to the penis?
Branches of the internal pudendal artery
Innervation = sensory branches of the pudendal nerve and erectile tissue is supplied by ANS
What is the perineal body?
A small fibrous tissue that lies at the posterior margin of the urogenital diaphragm
Provides attachment for the external anal sphincter, bulbospongiosus, superficial transverse perineal muscle
What muscle is highlighted in green?
What are the 4 distinct parts of the male urethra?
Penile (spongey)
Describe the bulb of the vestibule
The bulb surrounds the opening of the vagina and then continues to form the glans of the clitoris
What structures are present in the superficial perineal pouch?
Muscles - ischiocavernosus, bulbospongiosus, superficial transverse perineal
Nerves and vessels
Urethra, vagina, clitoris and penis
Erectile tissue - crura, bulb of vestibule (female) and bulb of penis (male)
In both sexes, what structure passes through the urogenital triangle?
The urethra
Describe the fusion of the layers of the perineal diaphragm
Fuse anteriorly and posteriorly
Anteriorly - leave a small gap near the pubic symphysis. Vessels to the clitoris and penis pass through here
Posteriorly - layers fuse with the perineal body. This helps to connect the fascia of the urogenital diaphragm to the rest of the pelvic fascia and helps transmit stress across the pelvic floor
In which block of erectile tissue of the penis does the urethra lie?
Corpus spongiosum
Therefore can be called the spongy or penile urethra
What are the blocks of the penile erectile tissue?
The penis has 3 blocks of erectile tissue
2 corpus cavernosum
1 corpus spongiosum
What muscle is highlighted?
Superficial transverse perineal
What muscle is highlighted in green?
The ischiocavernosus
What is the muscle highlighted?
What muscle is highlighted?
What forms the boundaries/points of the urogenital triangle?
The ischial tuberosities
Apex of the triangle is at the pubic symphysis
What do the bulbospongiosus and ischiocavernosus muscles do?
Overlie erectile tissues of the perineum to help maintain the erection of the tissues by contracting to impede venous return which retains the blood in the erectile tissue
Ischiocavernosus overlie the crura
Bulbospongiosus overlies the bulb of the penis (males) and bulb of the vestibule (female)
What structures pass through the deep perineal pouch to travel from the pelvic cavity to the perineum?
Urethra, sphincter urethrae, deep transverse perineal muscles, internal pudendal vessels and branches, pudendal (perineal) nerve
Females - vagina and dorsal nerves of clitoris
Males - membranous urethra, dorsal nerves of penis, bulbourethral glands, penile arteries