Anterior and Lateral Leg + Dorsum of the Foot Flashcards
What supplies the purple region?
Saphenous nerve
What is the role of the muscles of the anterior compartment of the leg?
Extensors of the ankle joint and digits
Ankle extension = Dorsiflexion
(Tendons pass anterior to the ankle joint)
What is this muscle and its innervation?
Peroneus/ Fibularis Longus
Superficial peroneal nerve (L5,S1,S2)
What is the insertion of extensor hallucis brevis?
Base of the proximal phalanx of the hallux
What is the innervation to the lateral compartment of the leg?
Superficial Peroneal Nerve (L5,S1,S2)
What are the extensor retinacula of the leg?
Superior Extensor Retinaculum
Inferior Extensor Retinaculum
In what direction do the fibres of the interosseous membrane between the fibula and tibia pass?
Inferolaterally from tibia to fibula
What are the attachments of the superior extensor retinaculum?
Anterior border of the tibia to the lower end of the fibula
What is this muscle?
Extensor Hallucis Brevis
What are the functions of Extensor digitorum longus?
Extends the lateral 4 toes
Dorsiflexes the ankle
Describe the arcuate artery route
Runs across the metatarsals to anastomose with the lateral tarsal artery
This arch then gives of metatarsal and digital arteries to supply the toes
What muscle is shown?
Extensor Hallucis Longus
What muscle is shown?
Tibialis Anterior
What are the branches of dorsalis pedis?
- Lateral tarsal artery
- Deep plantar artery (sole of foot)
- Arcuate artery
What supplies the green region?
Lateral dorsal cutaenous nerve of foot
terminal branch of sural
How many muscles are in the anterior compartment of the leg and what are they?
4 muscles
- Tibialis Anterior
- Extensor Digitorum Longus
- Extensor Hallucis Longus
- Peroneus Tertius
What are the functions of extensor hallucis longus?
Extends the hallux
Dorsiflexes the ankle
What is this muscle?
Peroneus Tertius
What is the large branch of the posterior tibial artery?
Gives of the fibular artery which gives of perforating branches to the lateral compartment of the leg
What supplies the light blue region?
Lateral sural cutaneous nerve
What are the functions of peroneus tertius?
Dorsiflexion of ankle
Assists in the eversion of the foot
What are the attachments of Peroneus Brevis?
Inferior 2/3 of the lateral Fibula
Inserts into tuberosity on the lateral side of the base of the 5th metatarsal
Describe the route taken by the deep peroneal nerve
Branch of the common peroneal nerve between the peroneus longus and neck of the fibula
Passes through extensor digitorum longus and travels with the anterior tibial artery supplying muscles of the anterior compartment
Crosses the ankle joint to supply extensor digitorum and hallucis brevis
What are the attachments of peroneus tertius?
Inferior 1/3 of the anterior fibula and interosseous membrane
Inserts into the dorsum of the base of the 5th metatarsal
What are the muscles of the dorsum of the foot?
2 muscles
- Extensor Hallucis Brevis
- Extensor Digitorum Brevis
What are the branches of the popliteal artery?
Anterior and Posterior tibial arteries
How many muscles are in the lateral compartment of the leg and what are they?
2 muscles
- Peroneus/Fibularis Longus
- Peroneus/Fibularis Brevis
Where does the deep peroneal nerve supply cutaenous innervation?
To the skin between digits 1 and 2
What is the common origin of the muscles of the dorsum of the foot?
Superior surface of the calcaneus
What supplies the yellow region?
Superficial peroneal nerve
What are the attachments of the inferior extensor retinaculum?
Stem is attached to the calcaneus laterally
Upper limb attaches to medial malleolus
Lower limb passes around the medial border of the foot to blend with the dense fascia over the abductor hallucis
When reaching the dorsum of the foot, what does the anterior tibial artery become?
The dorsalis pedis artery
What is the innervation to the muscles of the dorsum of the foot?
Deep Peroneal Nerve (L5,S1)
What is this muscle?
Extensor Digitorum Longus
What is the role of the interosseous membrane?
- Provides a surface for muscle attachment
- Helps to resist the downward pull of the muscles attached to the fibula
What is the innervation of the muscles of the anterior compartment?
Deep Peroneal Nerve (L4, L5)
What is the role of the muscles of the lateral compartment of the leg?
Eversion of the foot
What is this muscle?
Extensor Digitorum Brevis
Describe the route taken by the superficial peroneal nerve
Branch of the common peroneal nerve that runs between the peroneus longus and neck of the fibula
What are the attachments of tibialis anterior?
Lateral condyle of the tibia, Superior 1/2 of the lateral tibial surface, the interosseous membrane
Inserts into the medial and inferior surfaces of the medial cuneiform and base of the 1st metatarsal
Where does extensor digitorum brevis insert?
Into the long extensor tendons of toes 2-4
What are the compartments of the leg?
Posterior (subdivided into superficial and deep)
What are the attachments of extensor digitorum longus?
Lateral condyle of the tibia, Superior 3/4 of the medial surface of the fibula, Interosseous membrane
Inserts into the middle and distal phalanges of the lateral 4 digits
What are the articulations of the superior tibiofibular joint?
The head of the fibula and facet on the lateral tibial joint
What is this muscle and its innervation?
Peroneus/ Fibularis Brevis
Superficial Peroneal Nerve (L5,S1,S2)
What are the attachments of Peroneus Longus?
Head and upper 2/3 of lateral fibula
Inserts into the base of the 1st metatarsal and medial cuneiform
What does the superficial peroneal nerve do?
Supplies the lateral compartment of the leg and then continues as a cutaenous nerve
Provides cutaenous innervation to the distal anterior surface of the leg and most of the dorsum of the foot
What is the joint classification of the Superior tibiofibular joint?
Synovial Plane
What are the attachments of extensor hallucis longus?
Middle anterior surface of the fibula and interosseous membrane
Inserts into the dorsal aspect of the distal phalanx of the hallux
What are the functions of tibialis anterior?
Dorsiflexion of ankle
Inversion of foot
What supplies the orange region?
Anterior cutaenous branches of the femoral
What supplies the dark blue wedge shape?
Deep peroneal nerve