URO - TST TMR Flashcards
True about testicular cancer EXCEPT
a. What is the most common solid tumor in men between ages 25 and 35 years?
b. hCG, AFP, and LDH are helpful in establishing the correct diagnosis
c. scrotal utz is extremely accurate with >95% sensitivity and specificity
True about tumor markers EXCEPT
a. initial studies must include tumor markers including AFP, BhCG, LDH
b. elevated tumor markers are found almost exclusively in seminomatous germ cell tumors
c. 10% of px with localized seminomas and 25% with metastatic seminomas will have a modest rise in B human chorionic gonadotropin.
D. The presence of an increased AFP level ina patient whose tumor shows only seminoma, the patient should be treated for nonseminomatous GCT
B. nonseminomatous
True about LDH
a. less specific than AFP or hCG as tumor marker
b. increased in 50-60% of the patients with metastatic nonseminoma
c. 80% of patients with advanced seminoma will have elevated LDH
d. AFP hCG and LDH levels should be determined before and after orchiectomy
half life of AFP
5-7 days
half life of hCG
what does reappearance of hCG and/or AFP or the failure of these tumor markers to decline according to the predicted half life is an indicator of
persistent or recurrent tumor
True about management of testicular cancers EXCEPT
a. Patients suspected having a testicular neoplast should undergo a radcal inguinal orchiectomy with removal of tumor-bearing testis and preservation of the spermatic cord
b. After orchiectomy, CT scan o the chest, abdomen and pelvis is generally performed
c. Radical Inguinal Orchiectomy is curative in 80-85% of CS I seminoma and
d. Radical Inguinal Orchiectomy is curative in 70-80% of CS I NSGCT
spermatic cord is not preserved
The landing zone for the left sided tumors is the
paraaortic and left renal hilar lymph nodes
The landing zone of right sided tumors is the
interaortocaval and paracaval lymph nodes
What are the acceptable staging modalities in the absence of retroperiteneal lymphadenopathy or elevated serum tumor marker levels
Chest radiography and CT
Over 80% of patients with clinical stage IA nonseminoma are cured with
Orchiectomy alone
T/F there is no survival advantage to RPLND or adjuvant chemo tx for Non seminomatous GCT stage IA
T; surveillance for LN
Patient with testicular tumor, found out to be non-seminomanous GCT, with limited, ipsilateral retroperitoneal adenopathy <2cm in largest diameter, normal levels of AFP and hCG
Surveillancemodified bilateral nerve-sparing RLND or chemotx
What is the treatment for Stage 1 seminoma
inguinal orchiectomy followed by immediate retroperitoneal radiation therapy or surveillance with treatment at relapse both result in cure in nearly 100% of patients with stage 1 seminoma
Seminoma: Treatment of non bulky retroperitoneal disease (stage IIA or small Stage IIB)
retroperitoneal radiation
Seminoma: What percentage of patients will have relapse-free survival with RT tx of retroperitoneal masses <3 cm in diameter?
Initial treatment for all stage IIC and some stage IIB seminoma
neoadjuvant chemotx
What is the treatment of all Stage IIC and Stage III and most stage IIB GCT, regardless of histology?