ANSTH Hx Flashcards
Before the advent of modern anesthesia, the ff methods for pain relief during surgery were used EXCEPT
a. Opium
b. Ether
c. Exposure to cold
d. Compression of peripheral nerves
e. constriction of carotid arteries
Opium alcohol exposure to cold compression of peripheral nerves constriction of carotid arteries hypnosis
Dentist who used nitrous oxide on himself. Did a dental procedure demonstrating nitrous oxide as anesthetic - failed and comitted usicide
Horace Wells
Physician who used diethyl ether (removal of two neck tumors), a popular recreational drug.
Crawford Long
Dentist who practiced ether administration on a dog. Used ether in teeth extraction. On Oct. 16, 1846 - public demo of ether as an anesthetic for Johns Collins Warren (removal of vascular mass in the neck)
William Morton
Described 5 degrees of etherization, improved apparatus for ether administration, encouraged anesthesia as a specialty, created a standard of excellence with other anesthesiologists
John snow
Provided anesthetic for the birth of Prince Leopold
John Snow
The first local anesthetic used by ancient incas
Synthesized the active alkaloid of the coca leaf and called it cocaine
Albert Niemman
Wrote the famous monogram uber coca
Sigmund Freud
Instilled coca in his own cornea. Report its use as a local anesthetic
Karl Koller
First to use regional blocks. Experiment on themselves - >became addicted
William Halsted and Richard Hall
Published the first textbook on anesthesia
Coined the term spinal anesthesia
Leonard Corning
Gave the first deliberate spinal anesthetic
August Bier
Introduced the concept of balanced anesthesia
Directed Anesthesiology dept. at May Clinic for 28 years
Established the first textbook of modern anesthesia
Helped found the American Board of Anesthesiology
John Lundy
Year Cyclopropane was accidentally discovered