urininalysis Flashcards
What should be recorded in the medical record and report
Method of collection
What can urine be stored in
Red top tube or UA container
How soon should the sample be analyzed
30-60 min
How long can urine be refrigerated
6-12 hours
What may happen in over refrigerated urine
Affects USG and crystals may form
What should be done before evaluation on cold urine
Warmed to room temp and mixed gently
What should be done for cytological evaluation
Centrifuged ASAP
What is affected in cytological evaluation if not done correctly
Decrease in glucose and bilirubin
What forms a top layer on urine
What can interfere with chemical tests
4% formalin - 1gtt/30ml
What is a 1:9 ratio
5% phenol
What do clients often confuse when asked about bathroom habits
Polyuria and oliguria. Ask amount
What can cause oliguria
Renal failure or PU/PD
What is normal output for dog and cat
20-40 ml/kg
What colors are normal
Straw, yellow, pale yellow, amber
What color indicates normal/high concentration
Dark yellow
What color indicates renal dz
What color indicates bile pigments
Dark yellow/bright green
What color indicates blood
Bright red
What color indicates hematuria/hemaglobinuria
Reddish brown
What color indicates myoglobin
What color indicates drugs
Celerity of fresh urine
Clear/slightly cloudy
What causes cloudy urine
What causes oily urine
What causes foamy urine
Increased protein
What causes yellow foamy urine
What causes ammonia urine
What causes sweet urine
Bacteria, cystitis, diabetes
What causes fruity urine
Bacteria or diabetes
What does USG assess
Ability to concentrate urine
What is USG compared to
Distiller water