Urinary case Flashcards
Common causes of fluid loss: (4)
- Sweating
- diarrhoea
- Hyperventilation
- Fever
Role of kidneys in fluid/ionic balance:
- Vary water reabsorption to maintain water balance (constant osmolality) and ionic balance
Common symptoms of dehydration:
- extreme thirst
- lack of urine
- fatigue
- dizziness
The role of the kidney:
- Basic
- Nephrons
- Reabsorption
- Urine composition
- Filter blood plasma
- Each kidney composed of roughly one million nephrons that filter plasma at the glomerulus
- As the filtrate passes through the nephron it undergoes reabsorption (95-99%)
- Urine consists of non-reabsorbed fluid, salts and secreted material
Entire urinary tract composition:
- Kidney, ureters, bladder and urethra
Three layers of glomerular filtration:
- Capillary endothelium
- Basement membrane
- Podocyte (epithelial cell fo bowman capsule)
juxtaglomerular apparatus:
- Contains specialised smooth muscle cells (no actin or myosin).. Instead they detect blood speed/pressure and NaCl changes and produce the hormone renin
- Renin causes an increase in arteriole smooth muscle tone, increasing BP
Hormonal functions of kidney:n(3)
- Renin: Controls blood pressure
- Active vit.D: calcium balance
- EPO: Erythrocyte production
Glomerular filtration rate: (GFR)
GFR = KS(Pgc - Pt) - (Ngc - Nt)
- KS = filtration co efficient
- Pgc = hydrostatic pressure (glomerular capillaries)
- Pt = Hydrostatic pressure (tubule)
- Ngc = colloid osmotic pressure (glomerular capillaries)
- Nt = colloid osmotic pressure (tubules)
Glomerular filtration facts (3):
- Volumes
- Rate
- Energy expenditure
- 180 L plasma filtered, 1.5 L of urine produced every 24 hours
- Normal rate of 90-125ml/min
- Energy comes from hydrostatic pressure of blood imparted by beating heart, so no energy expenditure required
Glomerular filtrate contains: (3)
- No cells
- Trace amounts of protein
- Ions and small organic substances
Factors effecting rate of glomerular filtration of a substance: (3)
- Molecular weight (inversely proportional)
- Shape: long, thin molecules are filtered more easily
- Electrical charge: ease of filtering = +»_space; neutral»_space; -
Renal clearance:
- Definition
- Equation
- The rate at which a substance is removed from the blood
- Clearance of substance =
(Ux X V) / Px
Ux = urine concentration of substance x V = urine flow rate (ml/min) Px = plasma conc. of substance x
Control of renal blood flow (RBF) and GFR:
- Systemic blood pressure
- Renal nervous input
- Endocrine influences
General properties of proximal tubule: (4)
- Reabsorbs 60-70% of glomerular filtrate
- Brush border of microvilli: 40X SA increase
- Reabsorption is isosmotic
- Stereotyped function (no hormonal control)
Tubular transport of Na+:
- Mechanism
- Driven by …..
- Most Na+ reabsorption via secondary active transport in exchange for H+
- Driven by ionic gradients across apical membrane and ATPase in basolateral
Tubular transport of potassium and calcium:
- Most K+ reabsorption via paracellular route, passively down gradient
- Ca2+ reabsorption via transcellular and paracellular routes down ionic gradient
Tubular transport of glucose and amino acids:
- concentration gradient/mechanism
- apical
- basolateral
- Tm
- Both occur against concentration gradient, via secondary active transport (co-transport)
- Dependant on Na+ gradient on the apical membrane
- Facilitated diffusion on basolateral
- When transport maximum (Tm) is reached, excess is secreted in urine)
tubular transport of water:
- Water reabsorption down osmotic gradient
- Transcellular reabsorption on both membranes due to aquaporins
- Reabsorption also occurs in loop of hence, distal tubule and collecting duct
Tubular transport of bicarbonate and hydrogen:
- Combination
- Breakdown
- HCO3-
- HCO3- combines with H+ for indirect reabsorption in presence of carbonic anhydrase
- Once H2CO3 is absorbed CA breaks it down again and H+ is secreted via buffers
- HCO3- reabsorbed into the blood
Loop of Henle: experimental observations
- Osmotic gradient?
- An osmotic gradient exists in renal medulla
- Loops of Henle are countercurrent multipliers
- Longer loops of henle create a larger osmotic gradient
- parent kidney excretes more concentrated urine
Countercurrent multiplication in the loop of Henle:
- Descending limb: H2O exits the loop of Henle, Increasing the osmotic gradient. Osmolality of 1200
- Ascending limb: impermeable to water. No water reentry. NaCl is pumped into medulla, diluting the tubular fluid
Urine concentrating mechanism:
- Osmotic gradient established by loop of henle is utilised by the collecting duct
- majority of water is reabsorbed into the medulla
Distal tubule and regulation of potassium:
- K+ secretion/reabsorption
- Aldosterone effects
- K+ is reabsorbed in deficiency and secreted in hyperkalaemic states
- Aldosterone produced in the adrenal cortex acts on distal nephron to promote K+ secretion and H+ secretion
(via N+ H+ ATPase)