Neuro case Flashcards
Brainstem functions: medulla (3)
- Cardio/Respiratory control
- Nuclei for taste, hearing and balance
- Control of neck and facial muscles
Brainstem functions: Pons (5)
- Sleep
- Bladder control
- swallowing
- Eye/facial movements
- major input to cerebellum
Brainstem functions: Midbrain (2)
- Components of auditory/visual systems and reflexes
- Substantia nigra: part of basal ganglia
Pineal body functions: (3)
- Regulation of diurnal rhythms
- synthesise melatonin
- Pineal tumours can compress midbrain/block cerebral aqueduct
Cerebellum functions: (4)
- Maintaining postures
- Coordianting head and eye movements
- Fine-tuning movements
- Motor learning
Diencephalon components: (2)
- Thalamus
- Hypothalamus
Diencephalon components: (2)
- Thalamus
- Hypothalamus
Thalamus roles: (3)
- Transfer of all sensory information (bar olfaction) to cortex
- Involved in integration of motor control
- influences attention and consciousness
Hypothalamus roles: (2)
- Regulates homeostasis and reproduction
- Extensive connections to rest of CNS and pituitary gland
Amygdala function:
- Social behaviour/emotions
Hippocampus function:
- Memory
Basal nuclei function:
- Control of movements
Basal nuclei (5)
- C
- P
- G P
- S N
- Sub
- Caudate
- Putamen
- Globus pallidus
- Substantia nigra
- Subthalamus
Basal nuclei (5)
- C
- P
- G
- S N
- S
- Caudate
- Putamen
- Globus pallidus
- Substantia nigra
- Subthalamus
White matter structure/function:
- Axons
- Carrying information to and from cortex, between structures
Sensory cortexes (6)
- V
- S
- G
- V
- O
- A
- Vestibular cortex
- Somatosensory cortex
- Gustatory cortex
- Visual cortex
- Olfactory cortex
- Auditory cortex
Sensory cortexes: vestibular cortex
- Vestibular cortex: balance
Motor cortexes: (3)
- Primary motor cortex
- Premotor cortex
- Supplementary motor cortex
Main brain blood supplies: (2)
- Internal carotid arteries
- Vertebral arteries
Distribution of cerebral arteries: Anterior
- Anterior: motor and sensory cortex
Distribution of cerebral arteries: Middle
Middle: motor and sensory cortex of upper limb and face, also auditory cortex
Distribution of cerebral arteries: Posterior
- Posterior: whole of visual cortex
Sensory cortexes: gustatory cortex
- Gustatory cortex: taste
Watershed infarcts:
- Low perfusion pressure causes insufficient supply to to terminal branches of major arteries. Areas of arteries that lose blood first