urinary and visual Flashcards
chemical burns to eyes management
flush with saline or water
metbaloic acid causes
GI loss such as diahrea ketoacidosis (DM, etoh, starvation) lactic acidosis (sepsis, hypoperfusion) -renal failure (hemodilasis) -salicylate toxicty
anxiety, claustroboic
resp alka
met alkalosis
precenting UTI
increasef lfuid intake
wipe front to back
avoid synthetic dabrix such as nylon and spandex
-avoid spermicidal contraceptive jelly bc it supress the prod of protective vaginal flora
-avoid douching and using femine perineal progs
-take showers instad of baths
pursed lip breathing
helps iwth sob and prevent airway collapse
- promotes co2 elimination
- reduces air trapping in COPD
pursed lip tedchnique
Relax the neck and shoulders
Inhale for 2 seconds through the nose with the mouth closed (Option 4)
Exhale for 4 seconds through pursed lips. If unable to exhale for this long, exhale twice as long as inhaling
prior to dilausis
assess pt weight, bp, edema, lung and heart sounds
- assess fistula and graft
- vital signs
- heprain is added to the blood not given subq
important consideration before dialysis
dont give bp meds becauseit causes hpotension and during dialysis it is already making pt prone to hypotension
-also any meds that are given can be removed after dialysis
AV fistula sound
thrill can be felt when papating
briot can be heard during asuculatation
retinal detchament signs
curtain, sudden flashes of light, floaters, loss of vision
-med emergency
retinal detachment post op
avoid act that increase ICP such as rubbing eyes and straining
-report sudden pain, flashes of light , sion loss or bleeding
-avoid docused act such as reading ,sweing and writing which can cause rapid eye movmeent
-wear an eye patch or shield to prevent rubbing and scratching of the eye
prioirty when urinary retention suspected
assess suprapuboc area
what is an expected SE of opiod meds at renal
urinary retention
renal coloic pain
sharp, stabbing,
tossing in bed unable to find comfortable position
pain riadating to the groin area
pyleonphritis pain
flank pain back of the costvertebral angle toward the umbilicus
peritoneal dialysis insuffiecient outflow
consitpation and bowel mov should be mointored and give stool outners
- check for kinks and clots
- maintain drainge bag below the badomen
- reposition client to side lying or assist with ambulation
if none of these work then xray needed to check the location of the catheter
bladder catherization
- below the bladder
- irrgate using small amounts of sterile aline solution (<5ml) using gentle pressure to avoid damanging renal tissues
- secure it by taping to clients leg so it is below the blaffer
matureing the fistula
make the client perform hand excercises
such as sqeezing rubber ball
trill and bruit
thrill (vibration)
bruit (blowing or swooshing sound)
clot formation in the fistula signs
absence of trill or bruit
- numbess or tinlng
- decrease cap refill
during periotneal dialsysis client should be moinroted for
resp compromise such as diff breathing, rapid resp and crackles
kidney biospy complication
bleeding so mointor vital signs q 15mins for the first hour and mointor for hypotension, tacy and tacypnea
before kidney biosy
discontinue all anitcog and plalets for ONE WEEKS
post op kidney biopsy
position on the affected side for 30-60 mins to provide pressure and prevent bleeding but during the procedre the are faced prone
what is normal and not normal in urinalysis
few wbc are normal
glucose is not normal and could indicate DM
comonnly held meds before dilasysi
water soluble like B AND and folic acid -abx -dignxoin -bp meds =bp lowering meds such as lasix
what med should you take before dilaysis
photphate binders because dilasysis doesnt filter it (calciym carbonate)
- lispro
- vit e can be given and it is afat souble and helps prevent leg cramps assoicate withdialysis clients
prostatectomy complications
reduced urine strwam persistent bledeing and blood clots rentention of urine fever dysruia
clients should avoid what afte rprostatectomy
valsalva for 8 weeks
CKD retains
what contains postassium
diary products such as milk and yogurt
fruits (oranges, banaas, cocunuts, watermelons, avacaods)
posphorus foods
foods that are allowed CKD
apples grapes pineapple blackberries blueberries plum
what can increase ICP
coughing vomting straingng to lift obj >5 bending at the waist give antiemtic meds following opthalmic surgery
expected signs of menire disese
calcium gluconate
does not decrease potassium level but stabllizes the myocardium by raising the threshold for the dyrthmia
-after stablizaing then give the iv regular insulin with dextrose
iv dectrose inusline
temp corrects the hyperkalemia by shifting the potassium into the cells
retinal detachmened may rsult from
blunt force trauma and if not treated permanent blindness can occur
BPH signs
age >50
- urinary retention
- sensation of incmplete emptying or increased urgency to void
- strainng or diff initating voiding (hesitancy)
- weak or intermittent stream of urine
- freq voiding patterns throughout the day (urinating more than once every 2 hours)
- nocturia
- urgency
CKI is at risk for
hypotensive encephalthy- HTN crisis characterized by nauea, vomiting, and headache
- need treatedment within one hour to prevent damage to teh ehart kidney and brain
Dialysis disequilibrium syndrome (DDS) can be prevented by
life threaning complication that can be prevented by slowing the rate of dilaysis or stopping