peds again Flashcards
MMRV reaction
rash fever swelling erthema irrabilty restlness so dont need to bring to clinic if these are the symtoms but DO ASK WHAT THE TEMP IS
when to be careful with MMRV symtoms
fever can sometimes lead to febrile seizures so determine the childs temp to evalute the risk
-adm actea for fever above 102 F
time frame of when MMRV symtoms occur
5-12 days
school age children
posess concrtete thinking
and fear losing control
when adm injection to shcool age do
task based coping and speicific
- count loudly
- breathe deeply
adm injection to toddler
hide it
ability to use spoon
18 months
copying shapes
5 year olds
autism 2 core symtoms
abnormalities ins ocial interations and communicaiton (verba and nonvernal)
-patterns of behavior, interests, or activities that can be restricted and repetitive.
what is often devlaye in autism
social skills escapilly communiaction
healthy 2 year old vocab
300 words and should be able to string 2 or more words together in a meaningful phrase
children with austism behavior whne playing
resricted interest in and peoccuptation with a single toy , repetive behaviors when plahing with tor and insist on the same play routine
finger grasp dev what age
8-10 months and this is the time to start offering small finger foods such as crackers and cut up pieces
important qusetio to ask autism
how many words
allergenic foods can be introduced when
4-6 months (eggs, fish , pb)
whole milk
12 months and its WHOLE MILK not low fat
involntary bedeweeting aka noctural enuresis
nonpharm should be done first
noctureal enrusis mangment
-limit caff and sugar
-void before going to bed
-avoid punishing, scolding or ridiculing the child
-encourage child to assist with changing soiled pajamas and linens
-postive reinforcements (calender showing wet and dry night rewards)
=awaken the child nightly at specific time to void
-use an enursis alarm
what should parents avoid with noctural enursis
avoid disposable training pants and diapers at bedtime because this deicosrges motication to get up and void
-dont restrict fluids throughout the day, only after the evening meals.
by 7 months
bear their full weight by standing wtih support and sit with minimal support from their hands (tripod poistion)
-can roll over
prone to sitting position
10 months
pull themselves up into stadning poustion
9-10 months
walking while holding on to furniture
11 months
app for school age (6-12)
stack blocks
toddler (1-3)
infleunza vistors
facemask before entering room
contact with peers
adolscent (12-19)
failure to thrive
low eight and height ration
falling below 5 th percitle
risk factors for FTT
young parnt age
- unplanned or unwanted preg
- lower educaiton
- single parent
- social isolatio
- chronic life stresses and anxiety
- substance abse
- domestiv violence
- povety
- parents with negative peception of child
what is not riskf actor for FTT
parent working outside of the home
-having sibilings
pediatric clients who consume vegan diet are at risk for
nutritonal deficienciens (protein, calories, calcium, vit D, iron, vit b12)
vision changes
changes in mental status
impact of shaking causes
bleeding within the brain or eyes
why is it common for disogniss of shaken baby syndrome to go unnoticded
vimiting irratbility lethagy inability to suck or eat seizures inconsable cruing -often no external signs of trauma except for ocassional small burises on the chest or upper arms where they were held
hearing impairment causes
fam history
congenital disorder
toddlers with hearing deificts appear
shy timid withdrawn avoid social interacton may seen inattentive --appear dreamy -speech montone where it is diff to understand =talk loud -use gestures and faical expression
mama and dada
by 7 months
when to ,make referal for hearing test
absence of well formed syllabues by 11 months or inteligble speech not present by 24 months
fantasy play with puppets
preschool becuase of imaginary play and magical thinking
school age deal with what stage of eriksoton
inducstry vs inferiority so they like to do howmowrk and learn new skills
school age and peer
not as imp as adolscents so school age rather do homwowrk
12 months weight
sitting from standing position
shhould have mastered by 12 months
stranger anxiety
8 months and continues into toddler years
at 12 months child prefers parents and exhbiits fear when seperated
skipping and hopping on one foot
puberty maturation stages in bous
1) testicular enlargement and scrotal changes are the firs tsigns (9-14 yrs)
2) appearance of pubic, axillary, faical and body hair
- 3)penis increases in size 4)and voice changes
head circumference
at birth head is bigger than chest circumference but by 12 months it equalizes